首页> 外文期刊>Meat Science >Effects on performance and carcass and meat quality attributes following immunocastration with the gonadotropin releasing factor vaccine Bopriva or surgical castration of Bos indicus bulls raised on pasture in Brazil

Effects on performance and carcass and meat quality attributes following immunocastration with the gonadotropin releasing factor vaccine Bopriva or surgical castration of Bos indicus bulls raised on pasture in Brazil


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Bos indicus bulls 20 months of age grazed on pasture in Minas Gerais, Brazil either received 2 doses of the GnRF vaccine Bopriva at dO and d91 (group IC, n = 144) or were surgically castrated on d91 (group SC, n = 144). Slaughter on d280, was 27 weeks after castration. Adverse safety issues in 8% of group SC bulls following surgery contrasted with 0% in group IC bulls. At d105 testosterone levels were suppressed to similar levels in both groups. Importantly, group IC bulls had higher live weight, hot carcass weight, ADG (P < 0.005) and dressing percentage (P < 0.0001) compared to group SC animals. There were no negative effects on carcass or meat quality traits, thus immunocastration was concluded to offer a safe and effective method that provides production gains, and improves animal welfare in Bos indicus beef bulls without impacting meat and carcass quality.
机译:在巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州的牧场上放牧的20个月大的印度公牛,在dO和d91接受了2剂GnRF疫苗Bopriva(IC组,n = 144),或在d91接受了手术cast割(SC组,n = 144) 。 cast割后27周在d280处屠宰。 8%的SC后组公牛的不良安全性问题与IC的后遗症组的0%相反。在第105天,两组的睾丸激素水平被抑制到相似的水平。重要的是,与SC组相比,IC组公牛的活重,hot体热重,ADG(P <0.005)和换药率(P <0.0001)高。对car体或肉品质性状没有负面影响,因此,免疫was割被认为是一种安全有效的方法,可以提高产量,并在不影响肉和car体品质的情况下改善印度Bo牛公牛的动物福利。



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