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SubM What a Long, Strange Trip it's Been


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Orange Beach, Alabama: I've never actually been here before, and it is a (long) 40 minute drive south, once you exit I-10. It's worth the visit. Who knew? Some of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen. I'll definitely be back. But, enough about me. At the TBS 2019 Conference, Pat Fo-lan and his TBS crew have organized a well attended event that centers on the process of obtaining a COI under the new subchapter M rules. A raft of tug and towboat operators - most of them smaller outfits - who have embarked upon the subM journey, traveled to Alabama from all over the country. Also in attendance is the United States Coast Guard. In the middle of my one-week, four-state epic journey across the breadth of the U.S. Gulf Coast, I popped in to catch the best of this event, now in its second year. The conference kicked off with a primer on the so-called 'Coast Guard' option. Presenting this information were three Coast Guard representatives from the local sector, who also fielded a flurry of questions from operators thirsty for a better understanding of the process and its many timelines. For its part, the Coast Guard did not disappoint. And their view of the ongoing journey to compliance for as many as 5,300 previously uninspected vessels (nationwide) begins right at here at USCG Sector Mobile, Alabama. It turns out that subchapter M, even for the Coast Guard, can be a moving target, and a regulatory mission that many of their inspectors are still sifting through, just like the rest of us.
机译:阿拉巴马州奥兰治海滩:我以前从未真正来过这里,一旦您从I-10出口驶出,它就向南(长)车程40分钟。值得一游。谁知道?我见过的一些最美丽的海滩。我一定会回来的。但是,关于我的足够了。在TBS 2019大会上,Pat Fo-lan和他的TBS团队组织了一场热闹非凡的活动,重点是根据新的M分章规则获取COI的过程。参加subM之旅的一大批拖船和拖轮操作员-他们大多是较小的服装-从全国各地前往阿拉巴马州。参加活动的还有美国海岸警卫队。在为期一周的四州史诗般的旅程中,横跨美国墨西哥湾沿岸的旅程中,我参加了这次活动的最好成绩,现在已经是第二年了。大会以所谓的“海岸警卫队”方案为起点。来自当地的三名海岸警卫队代表介绍了这些信息,他们还回答了运营商渴求的问题,以更好地了解该过程及其许多时间表。就其本身而言,海岸警卫队没有令人失望。他们对阿拉巴马州USCG Sector Mobile的多达5300艘先前未经检查的船(全国性)的履约旅程的看法始于这里。事实证明,即使对于海岸警卫队而言,M分章也可以成为一个移动目标,并且像我们其他人一样,他们的许多视察员仍在履行监管任务。



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