首页> 外文期刊>Marine Technology Society journal >Progression of the Coral-Algal Phase Shift in the Caribbean: A Case Study in Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean

Progression of the Coral-Algal Phase Shift in the Caribbean: A Case Study in Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean


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Coral reefs around the globe are subject to environmental and anthropogenic stressors that are causing habitat degradation and a decline in reef resilience. Past studies of Caribbean reefs document a decrease in coral cover with a simultaneous increase in algal cover after significant stress, disturbance, or coral mortality. The long-term shift from coral-dominated reefs to algae-dominated reefs is known as a coral-algal phase shift. This study assessed the progression of a coral-algal phase shift at a fringing reef around Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean, by comparing current coral and algal benthic cover to historical data, from 1997 to 2008, at a site nearby. Research was conducted over a 5-w period from Septemberto October 2012. Twenty 10-m transects were filmed and analyzed through Coral Point Count with Excel extensions software to determine percent live coral and algal cover. Mean coral cover at the study site was 14.3%, and algal cover was 72.4%. In comparison to historical data, a significant increase in the algae-coral ratio indicated a progression of a coral-algal phase shift in Bonaire. This study contributes to the scientific knowledge of coral-algal phase shifts in the Bonaire reef ecosystem and the broader scientific reef conservation.
机译:全球各地的珊瑚礁都受到环境和人为压力的影响,这些压力会导致栖息地退化和珊瑚复原力下降。过去对加勒比礁的研究表明,在出现明显的压力,干扰或珊瑚死亡后,珊瑚的覆盖率会下降,而藻类的覆盖率会同时增加。从珊瑚为主的礁石向藻类为主的礁石的长期转变被称为珊瑚-藻类相变。这项研究通过将当前珊瑚和藻类底栖生物的覆盖率与1997年至2008年附近地点的历史数据进行比较,评估了荷兰加勒比海博纳尔岛周围礁石上珊瑚-藻类相移的进展。研究在2012年9月至2012年10月的5个小时内进行。对20个10米长的样带进行了拍摄,并通过Excel扩展软件通过Coral Point Count进行了分析,以确定活珊瑚和藻类的覆盖率。研究地点的平均珊瑚覆盖率为14.3%,藻类覆盖率为72.4%。与历史数据相比,藻-珊瑚比的显着增加表明博内尔岛珊瑚-藻相变的进程。这项研究有助于博内尔岛礁生态系统中珊瑚-藻类相变的科学知识以及更广泛的科学礁保护。



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