首页> 外文期刊>Marine Pollution Bulletin >The Mangrove Ecosystem of the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta (Colombia): Observations on Regeneration and Trace Metals in Sediment

The Mangrove Ecosystem of the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta (Colombia): Observations on Regeneration and Trace Metals in Sediment

机译:Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta(哥伦比亚)的红树林生态系统:沉积物中的再生和微量金属的观察

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Alteration of water flows and consequent hypersalinizat-ion caused the death of nearly 70% of mangroves at the Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta, Colombia. Efforts to rehabilitate the ecosystem have been made through the construction of freshwater channels. Mangrove recovery was observed along a freshwater channel and at a small lagoon behind the beach ridge. Factors identified in this study influencing mangrove regeneration are: salinity of surface water, duration and height of flooding, leaching property of soils, dispersal of propagules and presence of fertile trees. Besides mangrove regeneration, a notable extension of freshwater plants was observed in the channel. Trace metal concentrations in sediments from the Magdalena River and its area of influence were investigated before the complete opening of the first channel. A relative comparison indicated that the highest concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn were above international recommended limits. However, metal concentrations found in sediments at Clarin Channel did not affect the mangrove recovery.
机译:水流的变化和随之而来的盐碱化导致哥伦比亚圣玛尔塔大峡谷(Cienaga Grande de Santa Marta)的红树林死亡近70%。通过建设淡水渠道,已经做出了恢复生态系统的努力。沿淡水河道和海滩山脊后面的一个小泻湖观察到红树林的恢复。在这项研究中确定的影响红树林更新的因素包括:地表水的盐度,洪水的持续时间和高度,土壤的浸出特性,繁殖体的散布和肥沃树木的存在。除了红树林的再生外,在河道中还观察到明显的淡水植物扩展。在第一条河道完全开放之前,研究了来自马格达莱纳河及其影响区域的沉积物中的痕量金属浓度。相对比较表明,Cd,Cu,Ni和Zn的最高浓度高于国际建议的限值。但是,在娇韵诗海峡的沉积物中发现的金属浓度并没有影响红树林的恢复。



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