首页> 外文期刊>Marine Pollution Bulletin >Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea

Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea


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PAHs have been monitored for several years in the eastern Mediterranean Sea as part of the MEDPOL Programme (UNEP, 1986; 1995). Figure 1 shows the location of the major sampling sites around the Mediterranean coast. Yilmaz et al., (1991) have discussed how the distributions of dissolved and dispersed polyaromatic hydrocarbons measured in the eastern Mediterranean in 1989 were related to the local oceanography and how part of the observed concentrations were derived from phytoplankton. For seawater analyses, 2.5 litres of seawater (or discharged waste) were extracted on board ship (or at the sampling location) with n-hexane. PAH concentrations were estimated by comparison of the fluorescence at 360 nm (excitation at 310 nm) with that of hexane solutions of chrysene (UNEP, 1986).
机译:作为MEDPOL计划的一部分,在地中海东部对PAHs进行了几年的监测(UNEP,1986; 1995)。图1显示了地中海沿岸主要采样点的位置。 Yilmaz等人(1991年)讨论了1989年在地中海东部测得的溶解和分散的多环芳烃的分布与当地海洋学的关系,以及所观察到的部分浓度是如何从浮游植物中得出的。对于海水分析,在船上(或在采样地点)用正己烷提取了2.5升海水(或排放的废物)。通过比较360 nm处的荧光(310 nm处的激发)与的己烷溶液的荧光来估算PAH浓度(UNEP,1986)。



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