首页> 外文期刊>Marine pollution bulletin >Drifting blooms of the endemic filamentous brown alga Hincksia sordida at Noosa on the subtropical east Australian coast

Drifting blooms of the endemic filamentous brown alga Hincksia sordida at Noosa on the subtropical east Australian coast

机译:亚热带东澳大利亚海岸Noosa特有的丝状褐藻Hincksia sordida的花开

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Since 2002, the usually uncommon endemic filamentous brown alga Hincksia sordida (Harvey) Silva (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyta) has formed nuisance blooms annually during spring/early summer at Main Beach, Noosa on the subtropical east Australian coast. The Hincksia bloom coincides with the normally intensive recreational use of the popular bathing beach by the local population and tourists. The alga forms dense accumulations in the surf zone at Main Beach, giving the seawater a distinct brown coloration and deterring swimmers from entering the water. Decomposing algae stranded by receding tides emit a nauseating sulphurous stench which hangs over the beach. The stranded algal biomass is removed from the beach by bulldozers. During blooms, the usually crowded Main Beach is deserted, bathers preferring to use the many unaffected beaches on the Sunshine Coast to the south of Main Beach. The bloom worsens with north-easterly winds and is cleared from Noosa by south easterly winds, observations which have prompted the untenable proposal by local authorities that the bloom is forming offshore of Fraser Island in the South Pacific Ocean. The Noosa River estuarine system/ Laguna Bay is the more probable source of the bloom and the nutrient inputs into this system must be substantial to generate the high bloom biomass. Current mitigation procedures of removing the blooming alga off the beach with bulldozers treat the symptom, not the cause and are proving ineffective. Environmental management must be based on science and the Noosa bloom would benefit greatly from the accurate ecological data on which to base management options.
机译:自2002年以来,通常在春季/初夏在亚热带东澳大利亚海岸Noosa的Main Beach上,通常不常见的地方丝状褐藻Hincksia sordida(Harvey)Silva(Ectocarpales,Phaeophyta)每年都会形成讨厌的花朵。 Hincksia盛开与当地居民和游客通常对密集的沐浴海滩进行休闲娱乐活动相吻合。藻类在美因海滩的冲浪区中形成密集的堆积,使海水呈现出明显的棕色,阻止游泳者进入水中。退潮时滞留的藻类分解后会散发出令人垂涎的硫磺味,并散布在海滩上。推土机将滞留的藻类生物质从海滩上清除。在开花期间,通常人满为患的Main Beach荒芜,沐浴者更喜欢使用Main Beach南部阳光海岸上许多未受影响的海滩。随着东北风的作用,水华会恶化,南风将其从努沙清除掉,这些观测结果促使地方当局提出了难以成立的建议,认为华南水华正在南太平洋弗雷泽岛的近海形成。努萨河河口系统/拉古纳湾是水华的最可能来源,向该系统输入的养分必须足够产生高水华的生物量。当前用推土机将盛开的藻类从海滩上移走的缓解措施仅能解决症状,而不是原因,而且效果不佳。环境管理必须以科学为基础,Noosa的开花将得益于作为管理选择依据的准确的生态数据。



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