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Centralization and decentralization: Coastal management pattern changes since the late 19th century, Jiangsu Province, China


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With rapid industrialization over the Asian-Pacific coastal region, sustainable management has received increased levels of attention. The way to construct the sustainable management mode suitable for local characteristics becomes an important issue; it requires an in-depth understanding of local management practices changes and historical culture. In this respect, there is a lack of comprehensive discussions on centralized/decentralized management pattern change for this region. Based on historical document analysis for the Jiangsu coast, we reconstruct the evolution of coastal management modes. Here we show that coastal management in Jiangsu has witnessed repeated transitions between centralized and decentralized mode, encompassing four periods: traditional management before the late 19th century, the decentralized practice in the early 20th century, the centralized management associated with the planned economic system from the 1950s-1980s, and the decentralized management in response to the adoption of a market economic system after the 1980s. The driving forces for the changes identified include geomorphological changes, population growth and social-economic regime shifts. We propose that, to optimize coastal management, a hybrid model should be established to take into account both centralized and decentralized components. Although coastal management is decentralization-oriented in most western countries, in the Asia-Pacific coastal regions, local conditions and historical features should be taken into account to adjust the balance between centralized and decentralized variables in the management. With the increasing attention to ecosystem health in China, together with future climate changes and population dynamics, the centralized component should be re-considered within the hybrid model.
机译:随着亚太沿海地区工业的快速发展,可持续管理受到了越来越多的关注。构建适合当地特点的可持续管理模式的方式成为一个重要的问题。它需要对本地管理实践的变化和历史文化有深入的了解。在这方面,关于该地区的集中式/分散式管理模式变化,缺乏全面的讨论。基于江苏沿海的历史文献分析,我们重构了沿海管理模式的演变。在此我们可以看出江苏沿海管理在集中式和分散式之间经历了反复的转变,包括四个时期:19世纪末以前的传统管理,20世纪初的分散管理,从计划经济体制开始的集中管理。 1950年代至1980年代,以及在1980年代后采用市场经济体制来应对分散管理。所确定的变化的驱动力包括地貌变化,人口增长和社会经济制度转变。我们建议,为了优化海岸管理,应该建立一个混合模型,同时考虑到集中式和分散式要素。尽管在大多数西方国家中,沿海地区管理是以分权为导向的,但在亚太沿海地区,应考虑当地条件和历史特征来调整管理中集中变量和分散变量之间的平衡。随着中国对生态系统健康的关注日益增加,以及未来的气候变化和人口动态变化,应在混合模型中重新考虑集中式要素。



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