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Spatial heterogeneity of macrofaunal communities in and near a giant pockmark area in the deep Gulf of Guinea


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The structure and familial-level composition of macrofaunal communities were examined within and at distance from the giant pockmark Regab in the Southern Gulf of Guinea, at 3200 m depth. The two main questions addressed in this study were (i) does habitat partitioning by large symbiont-bearing taxa influence macrofaunal assemblages and their environment? and (ii) to what extent does the chemosynthesis-based ecosystem influence the structure and the composition of nearby macrobenthic communities? Along two radials, at sites from 250 to 1000 m away from the active centre of the cold seep, the abundance and composition of the macrofauna were typical of a deep-sea community at that depth. Except for a few cores sampled in or near dead vesicomyid fields at the border of the pockmark area, the chemosynthetic ecosystem had no significant influence on macrofaunal communities beyond the edge of the giant pockmark. In seep sediments, the macrofauna had higher densities, reaching over 22,000 indm~(-2), but lower taxonomic richness than in background sediments. The polychaete assemblages associated with siboglinid tubeworms differed in their composition and vertical distribution from communities associated with vesicomyids or found at the border between vesicomyids and myti-lids. The siboglinid habitat was dominated by surface-feeders (ampharetids) or small carnivores (dorvilleids, hesionids and syllids) concentrated in the top sediment layer, while the vesicomyid beds were dominated by deep-dwelling, subsurface feeders (capitellids and cossurids). This pattern may be related to bioturbation by the vesicomyids that allows an oxygenation of surface sediments while deepening down and enhancing the anaerobic oxidation of methane. Although alpha diversity of polychaete families is low in seep sediments, the variability of faunal assemblages and potentially high level of speciation in cold-seep environments point to high beta diversity. Comparable numbers of polychaete families coexist in a quarter square meter of seep or non-seep sediments, although the number of ecological niches that were sampled might be higher at seeps. Further integrative and comparative studies of the diversity and functioning of seep and non-seep communities would certainly provide clues to understanding both ecosystems and their interactions.
机译:对大型动物群落的结构和家族水平组成进行了研究,在几内亚南部海湾的大型麻子里贾布(Regab)内部及其附近,深度为3200 m。本研究中解决的两个主要问题是:(i)带有大型共生生物的分类单元对生境的划分是否会影响大型动物群及其环境? (ii)基于化学合成的生态系统在多大程度上影响附近大型底栖动物群落的结构和组成?沿着两条径向线,在距冷渗流活动中心250至1000 m的位置,大型动物的丰富度和组成是该深度深海群落的典型特征。除了在麻袋区边界的死枯萎菌域中或其附近采样的几个岩心外,化学合成生态系统对巨型麻袋边缘以外的大型动物群落没有重大影响。在渗流沉积物中,大型动物区系的密度较高,达到22,000 indm〜(-2),但比背景沉积物中的生物分类丰富度较低。与血吸虫tube虫相关的多毛cha组合在组成和垂直分布方面不同于与囊藻有关的群落,或在囊藻和鼠睑的交界处发现。斜柏类动物的栖息地主要是集中在顶部沉积物层中的地面给食(两栖类)或小型食肉动物(dorvilleids,hesionids和syllid),而囊藻层则由深居地下的馈电线(capitellids和cossurids)主导。这种模式可能与水泡菌的生物扰动有关,水泡菌使表面沉积物氧化,同时加深并增强了甲烷的厌氧氧化。尽管在渗流沉积物中,多毛类科的α多样性较低,但动物群落的多样性和在寒冷地区的潜在物种形成水平较高,表明存在高β多样性。在四分之一平方米的渗水或非渗水沉积物中共存有相当数量的多毛类科目,尽管在渗水处采样的生态位数量可能更高。对渗水社区和非渗水社区的多样性和功能进行进一步的综合和比较研究,无疑将为理解生态系统及其相互作用提供线索。



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