首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Interspecific competition between Enteromorpha (Ulvales: Chlorophyceae) and Fucus (Fucales: Phaeophyceae) germlings: effects of nutrient concentration, temperature, and settlement density

Interspecific competition between Enteromorpha (Ulvales: Chlorophyceae) and Fucus (Fucales: Phaeophyceae) germlings: effects of nutrient concentration, temperature, and settlement density


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The increased abundance of ephemeral algae and corresponding decline in perennial fucoids observed in eutrophic (nutrient-rich) waters could be caused by eutrophication-driven shifts in the competitive relationship between the 2 groups as early as the germling stage. During the initial post-settlement period germlings are exposed to large temporal variations in temperature, which may influence their performance and competitive interactions. Effects of temperature, nutrient concentration, and settlement density on the competitive relationship between germlings of Fucus serratus L. and F. evanescens C. Agardh and of the ephemeral alga Enteromorpha compressa (Linnaeus) Greville were examined using factorially designed culture experiments. In monocultures, germling growth of both Fucus species and E. compressa was generally stimulated by nutrient enrichment (32 μmol nitrate/ammonia and 2 μmol phosphate l~(-1) seawater) and high temperature (17℃ compared to 7℃), and negatively related to settlement density (10 to 50 germlings cm~(-2) for Fucus, 30 to 130 germlings cm~(-2) for E, compressa). In mixed cultures, interspecific competition effects of E, compressa on F. serratus and F. evanescens germlings increased with increasing nutrient and temperature levels. In the nutrient-enriched cultures, interspecific competition from E. compressa suppressed the yield of Fucus spp. by 80 to 100% at 17℃, with F. evanescens being more suppressed than F. serratus, whereas the suppressive effects of E, compressa on Fucus germlings were < 60% at 7℃. These results suggest that competition from ephemeral algae at early life stages may be a reason for the decline of fucoids in eutrophic waters and that reproduction at low temperatures, as in species like F. serratus and F. evanescens, may shield the vulnerable initial germling stages from the severest competition pressure by ephemeral algae.
机译:在富营养化(营养丰富)的水中观察到的短暂藻类的丰度增加和多年生岩藻类的相应减少可能是由于富营养化驱动了早在幼苗阶段这两组之间竞争关系的转变。在最初的定居后阶段,种苗暴露于温度的较大时间变化中,这可能会影响其性能和竞争性相互作用。使用因子设计的培养实验,研究了温度,养分浓度和沉降密度对镰刀菌(Fuss serratus L.)和F. evanescens C. Agardh苗和短藻藻小肠Enteromorpha compressa(Linnaeus)Greville幼苗之间竞争关系的影响。在单一栽培中,富营养菌(32μmol硝酸盐/氨水和2μmol磷酸盐l〜(-1)海水)和高温(17℃对7℃的温度)刺激了榕树属和树的幼苗生长。与沉降密度呈负相关(岩藻(Fusus)为10至50个幼芽cm〜(-2),戊香为30至130个幼芽cm〜(-2))。在混合培养中,随着营养和温度水平的升高,E。compressa对锯缘镰刀菌和eva。evanescens苗的种间竞争效应增加。在营养丰富的文化中,来自E. compressa的种间竞争抑制了Fusus spp的产量。在17℃下,F。evanescens比S. serratus抑制80%到100%,而7℃下,E。compressa对岩藻幼苗的抑制作用小于60%。这些结果表明,在生命的早期阶段,短暂海藻的竞争可能是富营养化水体中​​类藻酸盐含量下降的原因,并且低温繁殖(如锯缘镰刀菌(F. serratus)和东方镰刀菌(F. evanescens)的物种)可能会屏蔽脆弱的初始萌芽阶段。暂时性海藻带来的最严峻的竞争压力。



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