首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Density-dependent sea urchin grazing: differential removal of species, changes in community composition and alternative community states

Density-dependent sea urchin grazing: differential removal of species, changes in community composition and alternative community states


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The grazing activity of consumers causes shifts between alternative states in a variety of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. One of the best examples of a consumer-driven shift occurs on temperate marine reefs, where grazing by high densities of sea urchins results in a shift from a foliose algal- to a crustose algal-dominated state. In this study, we focussed on 2 largely untested but important issues during the transition from a foliose algal- to a crustose algal-dominated state: (1) whether sea urchins impact foliose algal community composition by differentially removing species and (2) whether any impacts of grazing vary with 2 different densities of aggregating sea urchins. We tracked the movement of a high-density front of the sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma and then performed experimental manipulations of H. erythrogramma at 2 unusually high but naturally occurring densities. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) followed by analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) showed differences in the foliose algal community composition, and therefore differential removal of species, between permanent plots before and during grazing (surveys), and between grazed and ungrazed plots (experiment). Of the 6 abundant foliose algae, 2 had relatively low survivorship (Amphiroa anceps and Zonaria diesingiana), while 2 had relatively high survivorship (Delisea pulchra and Corallina officinalis) when grazed by high densities of sea urchins. Grazing by different densities of H. erythrogramma resulted in differences in the foliose algal community composition and for the chemically-defended D. pulchra there appeared to be a threshold sea urchin density reguired before its removal. Our results show that an intermediate community state composed of grazer-resistant foliose algae and crustose algae can occur, which may have important conseguences for community composition.
机译:消费者的放牧活动导致各种陆地和海洋生态系统的替代状态之间发生转移。消费者驱动的转变的最好例子之一是在温带的海洋礁石上,高密度的海胆放牧导致从藻类藻类转变为以藻类藻类为主的状态。在这项研究中,我们重点研究了从藻类藻类向果壳藻类为主的转变过程中的两个主要未经测试但重要的问题:(1)海胆是否通过差异清除物种来影响藻类藻类群落组成;(2)是否存在放牧的影响因2种不同密度的海胆而异。我们跟踪了海胆Heliocidaris erythrogramma的高密度前沿的运动,然后在2个异常高但自然发生的密度下对erythrogramma进行了实验操作。非度量多维标度(nMDS)随后进行相似性分析(ANOSIM)显示,放牧前和调查期间(调查)的永久样地之间以及放牧和未耕地的样地之间,叶藻类群落组成的差异,因此物种的去除率不同(实验)。在6种丰富的叶藻中,当被高密度的海胆放牧时,2种的存活率相对较低(两栖类双歧杆菌和Zonaria diesingiana),而2种的存活率相对较高(Delisea pulchra和Corallina officinalis)。不同密度的红球藻的放牧会导致叶藻类群落组成的差异,而化学防御性的石。(D。pulchra)在清除之前似乎有一个阈值的海胆密度。我们的结果表明,可能出现由耐草食性叶藻和地壳藻组成的中间群落状态,这可能对群落组成具有重要意义。



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