首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Metabolism of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) by juvenile Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus

Metabolism of dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) by juvenile Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus

机译:少年大西洋大西洋短尾Bre(Bravoortia tyrannus)代谢丙二酸二甲酯(DMSP)

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Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) synthesized by marine phytoplankton is the principal source of dimethylsulfide (DMS), an important climate-affecting gas. Prior research has demonstrated that grazing by invertebrate phytoplanktivores often affects the dynamics of DMS production from algal DMSP, but the effects of grazing by phytoplanktivorous fish have not previously been investigated. We studied the fate of algal DMSP following grazing by juvenile Atlantic menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus (13 cm fork length), which are generally viewed as the most specialized for phy-toplanktivory of all postlarval fish. The menhaden were fed the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans, containing 1 to 2 pmol DMSP cell~(-1). During the first 24 h following ingestion of algal DMSP, almost none of the DMSP (ca. 1%) appeared as DMS. About 21% of ingested DMSP appeared in the water column as dissolved DMSP, peaking in concentration 9 to 11 h after feeding; in natural settings, this fraction would be poised for microbial metabolism, including potential conversion to DMS in surface waters from which outgassing to the atmosphere could occur. About 10% of ingested DMSP appeared in fecal pellets that tended to sink rapidly toward the bottom of the tanks. About 33% of ingested DMSP was deposited in the tissues of the menhaden, in particular in the red and white swimming muscles, in which we observed concentrations exceeding 0.7 μmol g~(-1). This final fraction could ultimately be metabolized to DMS, or it could be passed up food chains and possibly act as a taste factor in commercially important piscivores such as striped bass and bluefish. In total, our research demonstrated that at least two-thirds of the ingested DMSP ends up in tissues or feces or in solution in the ambient water in the first 24 h after feeding, and virtually none is converted to ambient DMS during that time period.
机译:海洋浮游植物合成的二甲基磺丙酸二甲酯(DMSP)是重要的影响气候的气体二甲基硫(DMS)的主要来源。先前的研究表明,无脊椎动物浮游植物的放牧通常会影响藻类DMSP生产DMS的动力学,但是以前没有研究过浮游植物鱼类的放牧影响。我们研究了由大西洋大西洋少年捕食的Brevortia tyrannus(叉长13厘米)放牧后藻类DMSP的命运,后者通常被认为是所有幼体鱼类的最重要的浮游植物。给该男子喂食含1至2 pmol DMSP细胞〜(-1)的鞭毛原鞭毛虫。在摄入藻类DMSP之后的最初24小时内,几乎没有DMSP(约1%)以DMS的形式出现。摄入的DMSP中约有21%以溶解的DMSP的形式出现在水柱中,进食后9至11小时浓度达到峰值。在自然环境中,该馏分有望用于微生物代谢,包括在地表水中潜在转化为DMS的可能性,从中可能会发生向大气的除气。摄入的DMSP中约有10%出现在粪便颗粒中,粪便颗粒倾向于迅速沉入水箱底部。摄入的DMSP中约有33%沉积在鱼塘的组织中,尤其是红色和白色的游泳肌肉,在该组织中,我们观察到的浓度超过0.7μmolg〜(-1)。该最终馏分最终可以代谢为DMS,或者可以向上传播到食物链中,并可能成为商业上重要的食肉动物(如条纹鲈鱼和蓝鱼)的口味因素。总体而言,我们的研究表明,在进食后的最初24小时内,至少三分之二摄入的DMSP最终会进入组织或粪便或环境水中的溶液中,并且在这段时间内几乎没有任何DMSP转化为环境DMS。



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