首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Ecosystem services related to oyster restoration

Ecosystem services related to oyster restoration


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The importance of restoring filter-feeders, such as the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica, to mitigate the effects of eutrophication (e.g. in Chesapeake Bay) is currently under debate. The argument that bivalve molluscs alone cannot control phytoplankton blooms and reduce hypoxia oversimplifies a more complex issue, namely that ecosystem engineering species make manifold contributions to ecosystem services. Although further discussion and research leading to a more complete understanding is required, oysters and other molluscs (e.g. mussels) in estuarine ecosystems provide services far beyond the mere top-down control of phytoplankton blooms, such as (1) seston filtration, (2) benthic-pelagic coupling, (3) creation of refugia from predation, (4) creation of feeding habitat for juveniles and adults of mobile species, and for sessile stages of species that attach to molluscan shells, and (5) provision of nesting habitat.
机译:恢复辩论的重要性,如东部牡蛎Crassostrea virginica,以减轻富营养化的影响(例如在切萨皮克湾),目前正在辩论中。仅双壳类软体动物不能控制浮游植物开花并减少缺氧的论点简化了一个更为复杂的问题,即生态系统工程物种对生态系统服务做出了多种贡献。尽管需要进行进一步的讨论和研究以使人们获得更全面的了解,但河口生态系统中的牡蛎和其他软体动物(例如贻贝)所提供的服务远远超出了仅由上而下控制浮游植物水华的能力,例如(1)进行Seston过滤,(2)底栖-上层耦合,(3)从捕食中产生避难所,(4)为活动物种的少年和成年以及附着在软体动物壳上的无柄阶段的摄食生境创造,以及(5)提供筑巢生境。



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