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Trophic Ecology Of Three Dominant Myctophid Species In The Northern California Current Region


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The feeding ecology of 3 dominant sympatric myctophid species (Tarletonbeania crenu-Iaris, Diaphus theta, and Stenobrachius leucopsarus) in the northern California Current System was investigated based on samples collected in June, August, and September of 2006. All 3 species fed predominantly on Euphausia pacifica, the most abundant euphausiid off the central Oregon coast. In contrast, the same 3 lanternfishes showed marked variation in utilization of other principal food categories, and stronger resource partitioning was evident in smaller individuals. The proportion of euphausiids in the diet of T. crenularis and S. leucopsarus gradually increased with increasing size. D. theta at intermediate sizes (31 to 60 mm) preyed heavily upon salps and hyperiid amphipods, whereas the largest specimens consumed mostly euphausiids. S. leucopsarus showed little changes in composition of principal food categories between months, while T. crenularis and D. theta consumed more hyperiid amphipods in June, euphausiids in August, and salps in September. No feeding on salps was recorded in S. leucopsarus for the entire study period. All 3 species showed variation in feeding intensity, stomach fullness, state of digestion, and number of prey species and prey items per stomach. A divergence in feeding strategies of these co-occurring lanternfishes appears to reflect their structural morphology and generally conforms to an ecological subdivision of this midwater family into 'active' and 'inactive' species. Active myctophids (T. crenularis and D. theta) consumed significantly larger amounts of protein-rich prey such as euphausiids, hyperiid amphipods, and salps, while inactive S. leucopsarus showed higher preference for slower-moving, lipid-rich Neocalanus copepods.
机译:基于2006年6月,8月和9月收集的样本,调查了北加州现行系统中3种主要的同胞菌丝体物种(塔雷通豆crenu-Iaris,Dia蛇和Stenobrachius leucopsarus)的摄食生态学。所有3种物种的摄食主要是在Euphausia pacifica,俄勒冈州中部沿海最丰富的euphausiid。相比之下,相同的3个灯笼鱼在其他主要食物类别的利用上显示出明显的差异,并且在较小的个体中资源分配更加明显。随着大小的增加,小肠龙虾和白斑链球菌的日粮中肠粉的比例逐渐增加。中等大小(31至60 mm)的D. theta大量捕食鳞茎和双节肢类两足动物,而最大的标本则主要消耗e鱼。 leucopsarus的主要食品类别组成在几个月之间变化不大,而T. crenularis和D. theta则在6月消耗了更多的双节肢动物双足纲动物,在8月则出现了up足类,而在9月则出现了抽筋。在整个研究过程中,白斑链球菌均未见到以sal为食的现象。这3个物种在进食强度,胃饱满度,消化状态以及每个胃中的猎物种类和猎物数量上均表现出差异。这些同时发生的灯笼鱼的摄食策略差异似乎反映了它们的结构形态,并且通常符合该中水科的生态细分,分为“活跃”和“非活跃”物种。活跃的Myctophids(T. crenularis和D. theta)消耗大量大量的蛋白质丰富的猎物,例如e,双节肢动物两足动物和幼虫,而无活性的S. leucopsarus显示出对慢速移动,富含脂质的新co足类的更高偏好。



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