首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >A specialist detritivore links Spartina alterniflora to salt marsh food webs

A specialist detritivore links Spartina alterniflora to salt marsh food webs


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Because most plant production is subject to senescence and is eventually consumed by detritivores, the factors that drive detritivore diet choice are pivotal to the flow of energy and materials through food webs. Here, we investigated the common salt marsh amphipod Gammarus palustris, which is a habitat specialist that feeds specifically on the dead leaves of its living host plant, salt marsh cordgrass Spartina alterniflora. Restricted use and consumption of dead S. alterniflora was reinforced by superior amphipod performance (survival, size, and sexual development) on dead S. alterniflora relative to other diets, and was driven at least in part by amphipods being physically able to feed on soft, decaying plant tissues but not live, turgid tissues. Stable isotopes from field surveys and laboratory assimilation assays suggest that amphipods also feed on S. alterniflora in the field, and that the important marsh fish Fundulus hetroclitus feeds on amphipods. Thus, consumption of G. palustris by F. heteroclitus may be an important trophic pathway linking cordgrass production to nearshore food webs. Importantly, direct isotopic analyses of amphipods and their known food sources demonstrated substantial deviation of observed fractionation factors from idealized standards. This suggests caution when using idealized trophic shifts to describe food web linkages, and a renewed focus on assimilation assays to determine the realized fractionation of dietary isotopes.
机译:由于大多数植物的生产都处于衰老状态,并最终被有害生物消耗,因此,驱动有害生物饮食选择的因素对于通过食物网的能量和物质流动至关重要。在这里,我们研究了常见的盐沼两栖动物Gammarus palustris,这是一种栖息地专家,专门以其寄主寄主植物盐沼无绳草互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)的枯叶为食。相对于其他饮食,死虫链球菌在死链球菌上的优越性能(生存,大小和性发育)加强了对死链球菌的限制使用和消费,并且至少部分地受到了两栖动物在物理上能够以软食为食的驱动,腐烂的植物组织,而不是活的,膨大的组织。来自野外调查和实验室同化分析的稳定同位素表明,两栖类动物也以田间链球菌为食,而重要的沼泽鱼类凤尾鱼以两栖类动物为食。因此,异果镰刀菌对草的消费可能是将草食草生产与近岸食物网联系起来的重要营养途径。重要的是,对两栖动物及其已知食物来源进行的直接同位素分析表明,观察到的分离因子与理想标准品存在显着差异。这表明在使用理想化的营养变化来描述食物网之间的联系时要格外谨慎,而重新侧重于同化测定以确定饮食中同位素的实际分馏时,则要格外注意。



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