首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Phytoplankton photosynthetic capacity in a shallow estuary: environmental correlates and interannual variation

Phytoplankton photosynthetic capacity in a shallow estuary: environmental correlates and interannual variation


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Parameters in the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-E) relationship of phytoplankton were measured at weekly to bi-weekly intervals for 20 yr at 6 stations on the Rhode River, Maryland (USA). Variability in the light-saturated photosynthetic rate, P_(max)~B. was partitioned into interannual, seasonal, and spatial components. The seasonal component of the variance was greatest, followed by interannual and then spatial. Physiological models of P_(max)~B based on balanced growth or photoacclimation predicted the overall mean and most of the range, but not individual observations, and failed to capture important features of the seasonal and interannual variability. P_(max)~B correlated most strongly with temperature and the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon (IC), with lesser correlations with chlorophyll a, diffuse attenuation coefficient, and a principal component of the species composition. In statistical models, temperature and IC correlated best with the seasonal pattern, but temperature peaked in late July, out of phase with P_(max)~B, which peaked in September, coincident with the maximum in monthly averaged IC concentration. In contrast with the seasonal pattern, temperature did not contribute to interannual variation, which instead was governed by IC and the additional lesser correlates. Spatial variation was relatively weak and uncorrelated with ancillary measurements. The results demonstrate that both the overall distribution of P_(max)~B and its relationship with environmental correlates may vary from year to year. Coefficients in empirical statistical models became stable after including 7 to 10 yr of data. The main correlates of P_(max)~B are amenable to automated monitoring, so that future estimates of primary production might be made without labor-intensive incubations.
机译:在美国马里兰州罗德河的6个站点上,以每周至每两周一次的间隔20年,测量浮游植物的光合作用-辐照度(P-E)关系中的参数。光饱和光合速率的变化P_(max)〜B。分为年际,季节和空间部分。方差的季节成分最大,其次是年际,然后是空间。基于平衡生长或光致适应的P_(max)〜B生理模型预测了总体平均值和大部分范围,但未观察到单个观测值,未能捕获季节和年际变化的重要特征。 P_(max)〜B与温度和溶解的无机碳(IC)浓度之间的相关性最强,与叶绿素a,扩散衰减系数和物种组成的主要成分的相关性较小。在统计模型中,温度和IC与季节模式最相关,但温度在7月下旬达到峰值,与P_(max)〜B异相,P_(max)〜B在9月达到峰值,与月平均IC浓度的最大值一致。与季节模式相反,温度对年际变化没有贡献,而是由IC控制,且其他相关性较小。空间变化相对较弱,与辅助测量值无关。结果表明,P_(max)〜B的总体分布及其与环境相关性的关系可能每年都不同。包含7到10年的数据后,经验统计模型的系数变得稳定。 P_(max)〜B的主要相关性适合于自动化监控,因此将来无需人工密集的孵化就可以估算初级生产。



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