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Composition and temporal patterns of larval fish communities in Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, USA


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Comparing larval fish assemblages in different estuaries provides insights about the coastal distribution of larval populations, larval transport, and adult spawning locations. We simultaneously compared the larval fish assemblages entering 2 Middle Atlantic Bight (MAB) estuaries (Delaware Bay and Chesapeake Bay, USA) through weekly sampling from 2007 to 2009. In total, 43 taxa (32 families) and 36 taxa (24 families) were collected in Delaware and Chesapeake Bays, respectively. Mean taxonomic diversity, mean richness, and evenness were generally lower in Delaware Bay. Communities of both bays were dominated by Anchoa spp., Gobiosoma spp., Micropogonias undulatus, and Brevoortia tyrannus; Paralichthys spp. was more abundant in Delaware Bay and Microgobius thalassinus was more abundant in Chesapeake Bay. Inter-annual variation in the larval fish communities was low at both sites, with a relatively consistent composition across years, but strong seasonal (intra-annual) variation in species composition occurred in both bays. Two groups were identified in Chesapeake Bay: a 'winter' group dominated by shelf-spawned species and a 'summer' group comprising obligate estuarine species and coastal species. In Delaware Bay, 4 groups were identified: a 'summer' group of mainly obligate estuarine fishes being replaced by a 'fall' group; 'winter' and 'spring' groups were dominated by shelf-spawned and obligate estuarine species, respectively. This study demonstrates that inexpensive and simultaneous sampling in different estuaries provides important insights into the variability in community structure of fish assemblages at large spatial scales.
机译:比较不同河口的幼鱼组合可提供有关沿岸幼体种群分布,幼体运输和成年产卵地点的见解。我们同时比较了2007年至2009年通过每周采样进入2个中大西洋湾(MAB)入海口(美国特拉华湾和切萨皮克湾)的幼鱼组合。总共有43个分类单元(32个家庭)和36个分类单元(24个家庭)分别收集在特拉华州和切萨皮克湾。特拉华湾的平均分类学多样性,平均丰富度和均匀度通常较低。两个海湾的群落主要由An鱼,戈比索马菌,无花小单胞菌(Micropogonias undulatus)和霸王龙(Brevortia tyrannus)占据。伞菌属特拉华湾的沙门氏菌含量较高,切萨皮克湾的沙门氏菌含量较高。在这两个地点,幼鱼鱼类群落的年际变化均较低,多年间的组成相对一致,但两个海湾的物种组成均出现强烈的季节性(年内)变化。在切萨皮克湾(Chesapeake Bay)确定了两个群体:一个以架子产卵物种为主的“冬季”群体和一个包括专性河口物种和沿海物种的“夏季”群体。在特拉华湾,确定了4组:由主要的河口鱼类组成的“夏季”组由“秋季”组代替; “冬季”和“春季”群体分别以架子产卵和专性河口物种为主。这项研究表明,在不同的河口进行廉价且同步的采样,可以为大空间尺度上鱼类群落的群落结构变化提供重要的见识。



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