首页> 外文期刊>Marine ecology progress series >Coral reef benthic regimes exhibit non-linear threshold responses to natural physical drivers

Coral reef benthic regimes exhibit non-linear threshold responses to natural physical drivers


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We assessed the independent effects of natural physical drivers in structuring coral reef benthic communities at a remote oceanic atoll in the central equatorial Pacific with minimal local human impacts. High-resolution bathymetric data combined with in situ oceanographic measurements and a nearshore hydrodynamic model revealed complex intra-atoll gradients in geomorphic complexity, wave forcing, currents, and temperature. For example, maximum wave-driven bed shear stress spatially varied on the forereef (15-20 m depth) by over 2 orders of magnitude, peaking in areas exposed to multiple wave regimes. Benthic community composition, quantified via towed-diver imagery collected in a complete circumnavigation of the atoll (similar to 40 km), also exhibited considerable spatial heterogeneity. Benthic competitors showed distinct, non-linear threshold-type responses to variations in physical drivers. For example, at a wave-driven bed shear stress threshold of 18 N m(-2), calcifying crustose coralline algae lost relative dominance and were replaced by non-calcifying fleshy turf algae. Hard coral communities also demonstrated considerable flexibility in response to physical drivers, with distinct shifts in the relative dominance of different growth morphologies along gradients of wave forcing, presumably as a means of local adaptation. Our results highlight (1) the importance of natural gradients in physical drivers in determining dominant benthic regimes on coral reefs (e.g. calcifying vs. fleshy), (2) that non-linear thresholds (or tipping points) exist between key benthic competitors in response to key physical drivers, and (3) that coral assemblages show inherent flexibility and can reorganize in response to physical drivers rather than exhibit wholesale changes in overall cover.
机译:我们评估了自然物理驱动因素在构造赤道中太平洋偏远海洋环礁中的珊瑚礁底栖生物群落方面的独立影响,对当地人类的影响最小。高分辨率测深数据与原位海洋学测量结果和近岸水动力模型相结合,揭示了复杂的环礁内梯度变化,包括地貌复杂性,波浪强迫,洋流和温度。例如,最大的波浪驱动床剪切应力在前足(15-20 m深度)上的空间变化超过2个数量级,在暴露于多种波浪状态的区域达到峰值。底栖动物群落组成,通过在环礁完全绕行(约40 km)中收集的拖曳潜水员图像进行量化,也表现出相当大的空间异质性。本底竞争者表现出不同的非线性阈值类型对物理驱动器变化的响应。例如,在波浪驱动的床剪切应力阈值为18 N m(-2)时,钙化的硬壳珊瑚藻类藻类失去了相对优势,被非钙化的肉质草皮藻类所代替。坚硬的珊瑚群落还显示出对物理驱动器的响应,具有很大的灵活性,不同生长形态的相对优势沿波强迫的梯度发生明显变化,大概是作为局部适应手段。我们的研究结果强调(1)在确定珊瑚礁上主要的底栖生境时,物理驱动器中的自然梯度很重要(例如钙化与肉质),(2)在主要底栖生竞争者之间存在非线性阈值(或临界点),以应对(3)珊瑚组合具有内在的灵活性,可以根据物理驱动程序进行重组,而不是整体覆盖范围发生整体变化。



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