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Does breathing apparatus affect fish counts and observations? A comparison at three New Zealand fished and protected areas


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Across three areas, open-circuit scuba (OC) and rebreather (RB) surveys produced similar results for the density and size distribution of fish species inside and outside marine reserves. At Tonga Island, more Notolabrus celidotus were counted with OC than with RB, independently of reserve status [log-scale response ratio of OC/RB (RR) = 0.7]. At Long Island, differences in abundance of, Parapercis colias between sampling methods were small at reserve sites (RR = —0.1), but more were counted with scuba than with RBs at fished sites (RR = 0.5). RRs for Pagrus auratus were -1.0 in fished areas and 0.3 in the reserve at Leigh. We also sampled each site using a baited video system (BUV) to establish whether diver-transects sampled the full size range of target species. Most fish in BUV views were Parapercis colias at Long Island (97%), and Pagrus auratus at Leigh (77%). Size structures of Parapercis colias were similar among all three sampling methods within reserve and fished areas at Long Island (max. chi-squared distance = 0.11). BUV samples for Pagrus auratus at Leigh did not detect a prominent juvenile size class observed by divers, but size-frequency distributions of OC, RB, and BUV corresponded at sizes beyond 15 cm TL (max. chi-squared distance = 0.08). To investigate the effects of diver sound on fish behaviour at Long Island, we also compared fish activity when divers with RBs or scuba were present, when the sound of each breathing apparatus was replayed underwater, when no divers were present and no sound was replayed, and when bait was provided, within the reserve only. The lowest number of fish visits to the focal area (mean of 3.0 per 10 min) for Parapercis colias occurred with RB divers present. Maximum abundances of Parapercis colias in all speaker treatments averaged 4.1 per 10 min, whereas with scuba divers present maximum abundances were 5.7, and with baits the average was 38.0 per 10 min.
机译:在三个区域中,开路水肺潜水(OC)和循环呼吸器(RB)的调查对于海洋保护区内外鱼类的密度和大小分布产生了相似的结果。在汤加岛,用OC计数的Notnotbrus celidotus比用RB计数的多,与储备状态无关[OC / RB的对数尺度响应比(RR)= 0.7]。在长岛,保留地点的取样方法之间的大肠杆旁细菌的丰度差异很小(RR = -0.1),但水肺计数的数量要多于捕鱼地点的RB(RR = 0.5)。垂钓区的Pagrus auratus的RR为-1.0,Leigh的保护区的RR为0.3。我们还使用诱饵视频系统(BUV)对每个站点进行了采样,以确定是否采用分样采样对目标物种的整个范围进行采样。 BUV视野中的大多数鱼类是长岛的大肠念珠菌(97%)和利(Pagrus auratus)的at鱼(77%)。在长岛保护区和捕鱼区的所有三种采样方法中,超高顺菌的大小结构都相似(最大卡方距离= 0.11)。 Leigh的Pagrus auratus的BUV样本未检测到潜水员观察到的显着的幼体大小类,但是OC,RB和BUV的大小-频率分布对应于超过15 cm TL的大小(最大卡方距离= 0.08)。为了研究潜水员的声音对长岛鱼类行为的影响,我们还比较了当潜水员有RB或水肺时,在水下呼吸每个呼吸器的声音,没有潜水员且没有声音时的鱼类活动,当提供诱饵时,仅在保护区内。 RB潜水员出现的次数最多的是准超细菌到重点区域的鱼类探访次数(平均每10分钟3.0条)。在所有扬声器处理中,超高产菌的最大丰度平均为每10分钟4.1个,而水肺潜水员的最大丰度为5.7,带有诱饵的平均丰度为每10分钟38.0。



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