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On the Choice-Based Linear Programming Model for Network Revenue Management


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Gallego et al. [Gallego, G., G. Iyengar, R. Phillips, A. Dubey. 2004. Managing flexible products on a network. CORC Technical Report TR-2004-01, Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, Columbia University, New York.] recently proposed a choice-based deterministic linear programming model (CDLP) for network revenue management (RM) that parallels the widely used deterministic linear programming (DLP) model. While they focused on analyzing "flexible products"—a situation in which the provider has the flexibility of using a collection of products (e.g., different flight times and/or itineraries) to serve the same market demand (e.g., an origin-destination connection)—their approach has broader implications for understanding choice-based RM on a network. In this paper, we explore the implications in detail. Specifically, we characterize optimal offer sets (sets of available network products) by extending to the network case a notion of "efficiency" developed by Talluri and van Ryzin [Talluri, K. T., G. J. van Ryzin. 2004. Revenue management under a general discrete choice model of consumer behavior. Management Sci. 50 15–33.] for the single-leg, choice-based RM problem. We show that, asymptotically, as demand and capacity are scaled up, only these efficient sets are used in an optimal policy. This analysis suggests that efficiency is a potentially useful approach for identifying "good" offer sets on networks, as it is in the case of single-leg problems. Second, we propose a practical decomposition heuristic for converting the static CDLP solution into a dynamic control policy. The heuristic is quite similar to the familiar displacement-adjusted virtual nesting (DAVN) approximation used in traditional network RM, and it significantly improves on the performance of the static LP solution. We illustrate the heuristic on several numerical examples.
机译:Gallego等。 [Gallego,G.,G。Iyengar,R。Phillips,A。Dubey。 2004年。在网络上管理灵活的产品。纽约哥伦比亚大学工业工程和运营研究系CORC技术报告TR-2004-01。]最近提出了一种基于选择的确定性线性规划模型(CDLP),用于网络收入管理(RM),该模型与广泛使用的确定性相似线性规划(DLP)模型。当他们专注于分析“灵活的产品”时,提供者可以灵活地使用产品集合(例如,不同的飞行时间和/或行程)来满足相同的市场需求(例如,始发地-目的地连接) )-他们的方法对于理解网络上基于选择的RM具有更广泛的含义。在本文中,我们将详细探讨其含义。具体来说,我们通过将由Talluri和van Ryzin [Talluri,K. T.,G. J. van Ryzin开发的“效率”概念扩展到网络案例来表征最佳产品集(可用网络产品的集合)。 2004。在消费者行为的一般离散选择模型下的收入管理。管理科学50 15–33。]用于单腿基于选择的RM问题。我们表明,渐进地,随着需求和容量的扩大,在最优策略中仅使用这些有效集。该分析表明,就像单腿问题一样,效率是一种在网络上识别“良好”报价集的潜在有用方法。其次,我们提出了一种实用的分解试探法,用于将静态CDLP解决方案转换为动态控制策略。该启发式方法与传统网络RM中使用的熟悉的位移调整虚拟嵌套(DAVN)近似十分相似,并且显着提高了静态LP解决方案的性能。我们通过几个数值示例来说明启发式方法。



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