首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on components, packaging, and manufacturing technology. Part A >On the effect of nonlinear boundary conditions for heat conduction in diamond heat spreaders with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity

On the effect of nonlinear boundary conditions for heat conduction in diamond heat spreaders with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity


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For steady-state heat conduction in diamond heat spreaders with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity, we examine the valid range of the commonly used approximate solution against a rigorous solution which we have recently formulated. The basic difference between our work and the approximate solution lies in the boundary condition (bc) of the transformed temperature over the spreader-sink interface-we use a nonlinear be whereas the bc in the approximate solution has been assumed to be linear. We point out that the valid range of the approximate solution is determined by the temperature difference above the ambient over the interface. The discrepancy between the two solutions becomes severe (<10%) for devices of radius around 50 /spl mu/m involving high power dissipation (<20 W).
机译:对于具有取决于温度的导热率的金刚石散热器中的稳态导热,我们针对最近制定的严格解,检查了常用近似解的有效范围。我们的工作与近似解之间的基本差异在于散布器-散热器界面上转变温度的边界条件(bc)-我们使用非线性be,而近似解中的bc假定为线性。我们指出,近似解的有效范围由界面上高于环境温度的温差确定。对于半径约为50 / spl mu / m的设备,这两种解决方案之间的差异变得非常严重(<10%),涉及高功耗(<20 W)。



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