首页> 外文期刊>Manufacturing and service operations management >Price Commitments with Strategic Consumers: Why It Can Be Optimal to Discount More Frequently ... Than Optimal

Price Commitments with Strategic Consumers: Why It Can Be Optimal to Discount More Frequently ... Than Optimal


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In many markets consumers incur search costs, and firms choose a long-run pricing strategy that determines how they respond to market conditions. A pricing strategy may involve commitments to take actions that do not optimize short-term revenue given the information the firm learns about demand. For example, as already suggested in the literature, the firm could commit to a single price no matter whether demand is strong or weak. We introduce a new strategy-charge a "high" price only if demand is indeed "high," otherwise offer a discount. This strategy discounts more frequently than would maximize revenue conditional on demand. Nevertheless, the frequent discounts attract consumers. We show that (i) the discount-frequently strategy is optimal (whether capacity is adjustable or not), (ii) discount-frequently is often much better than other pricing strategies, especially if no price commitment is made, and (iii) "overbuying" capacity (e.g., inventory) to attract consumers (by signaling availability and the likelihood of discounts) is a poor strategy. Contrary to some recommendations in the literature to limit markdowns and to purchase ample capacity, our results provide support for a strategy that embraces frequent discounts and moderate capacity.
机译:在许多市场中,消费者会产生搜索成本,公司会选择一种长期定价策略来确定他们对市场状况的反应。定价策略可能涉及承诺采取行动,这些行动不会在公司了解需求信息的情况下优化短期收入。例如,正如文献中已经暗示的那样,无论需求是强劲还是疲软,企业都可以承诺单一价格。我们引入了一种新的策略-仅在需求确实为“高”时才收取“高”价,否则提供折扣。与根据需求最大化收入相比,此策略的折扣频率更高。然而,频繁的折扣吸引了消费者。我们显示(i)经常折扣的策略是最优的(无论容量是否可调),(ii)经常折扣的策略通常比其他定价策略要好得多,尤其是在没有做出价格承诺的情况下,以及(iii) “过度购买”能力(例如库存)以吸引消费者(通过信号可用性和折扣可能性)是一个糟糕的策略。与文献中限制降价和购买足够容量的一些建议相反,我们的结果为包含频繁折扣和中等容量的策略提供了支持。



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