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Emerson Talks Wireless At Annual User Group Event


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Emerson Process Management used its annual Global Users Exchange in late September- during which 2,500 attendees gathered at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in Washington, D.C.-to extol the virtues of wireless technology, both within the plant and in the enterprise at large. At a press conference at the start of the event, six Emerson customers described how the company's wireless products have made a positive contribution to their operations. Panel member Natalia Kroutikova, technology leader at oil and gas giant BP, said her company is using Emerson's Rosemount wireless transmitters to monitor suction, discharge pressures, levels, flow, and temperatures throughout a tank farm at its R&D technology center in Naperville, IL BP has also expanded its deployment of wireless transmitters and installed an Emerson Smart Wireless gateway at its Cherry Point, WA, refining facility, the site in 2006 of the first industrial wireless mesh network field trial.
机译:艾默生过程管理公司于9月下旬使用年度全球用户交流会-期间有2500名与会者聚集在华盛顿特区的盖洛德国家度假及会议中心-在工厂内和整个企业内赞扬无线技术的优点。在活动开始的新闻发布会上,艾默生的六个客户描述了该公司的无线产品如何为他们的运营做出积极的贡献。石油和天然气巨头BP的技术负责人小组成员Natalia Kroutikova表示,她的公司正在使用艾默生的罗斯蒙特无线变送器在伊利诺伊州内珀维尔的研发技术中心监控整个油罐场的吸力,排气压力,液位,流量和温度。该公司还扩大了无线发射机的部署范围,并在华盛顿州Cherry Point炼油厂安装了艾默生智能无线网关,该工厂于2006年进行了首次工业无线网状网络现场试验。



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