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Corporate entrepreneurship of IJVs in China


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine if corporate entrepreneurship in terms ofrninnovation and proactivity that has been developed in the international joint ventures (IJVs) in thernChinese cultures.rnDesign/methodology/approach - A structured questionnaire with a systematic samplingrnapproach was adopted and sent to 800 firms (400 from the manufacturing industry and 400 fromrnthe servicing industry) in Beijing. Descriptive statistics, correlation analyses and stepwise multiplernregression were used.rnFindings - Corporate entrepreneurship exists in the IJVs, yet the Western-Chinese JVs are morerninnovative and proactive. It is found that organisational variables such as flexibility, operationalrndelegation, control system and the implementation of differentiation or growth strategy arernsignificantly related to both innovation and proactivity. However, organisational variables onrnstrategic delegation and risk-taking culture are significantly related to proactivity only. On the otherrnhand, the implementation of cost leadership is found to be unrelated to either innovation orrnproactivity.rnResearch limitations/implications - Since the sample was drawn from IJVs in Beijing,rncomparative studies could be done on IJVs across different cities in China.rnPractical implications - The significant results provide insights for studying the cultural contextrnof China's IJVs.rnSocial implications - Asian-Chinese JVs have to improve corporate entrepreneurship posture inrntheir management. This will attract professionals with international experience from different partsrnof the world to work in China's IJVs.rnOriginality/value - The entrepreneurial posture of an IJV can be measured in terms of its ability onrninnovation and proactivity. It provides benefits to both foreign and local partners in terms of localrnknowledge, access to market, and cost consideration as well as technological and skills transfers.



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