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State of the Association—2006: A milestone year


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Our Association is certainly not unique in the challenges that we have faced in recent years. Associations large and small continue to experience the effects of the post-9/11 economy, increased competition, and growing time constraints on members. However, back in 2000, A & WMA found itself at a real crossroads as we stared at a negative fund balance of US$410,000. Faced with this crisis, and with no margin for error, a committed group of Board members, volunteers, and staff embarked on a carefully planned journey of recovery. The Board initiated a significant change in policy by assuming responsibility for the Association's strategic planning, rather than delegating this function to a committee. With that first step, we began our journey, and in September 2001, the Board adopted a vision for the future and initiated a new strategic planning process. As part of that strategic plan, the Board set a goal to return A & WMA's fund balance to US$1.5 million by the end of 2006.



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