首页> 外文期刊>Magazine of Concrete Research >An empirical model for predicting the mechanical properties of confined concrete

An empirical model for predicting the mechanical properties of confined concrete


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This paper presents an empirical model for the calculation of the main characteristics of concrete confined by means of hoops or spirals. The model included in CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 was initially used as a basis; its validity was checked against experimental results provided by 17 researchers for more than 300 specimens. Since the comparison showed that the model fails to predict accurately, especially the strain at strength and the ultimate strain of confined concrete, modified formulae are proposed taking into account additional parameters which affect the characteristics of confined concrete, for example unconfined concrete strength. The comparison between experimental values of strength and strains and those predicted using the modified empirical model proves to be satisfactory. The relatively large scatter asociated mainly with strain values, as well as the reliability of the available experimental results, is discussed.
机译:本文提出了一种经验模型,用于计算通过箍或螺旋约束的混凝土的主要特性。 CEB-FIP模型代码1990中包含的模型最初被用作基础。根据17位研究人员提供的300多个标本的实验结果检查了其有效性。由于比较表明模型无法准确预测,特别是无法确定承压混凝土的强度和极限应变,因此,考虑到影响承压混凝土特性的其他参数(例如无承压混凝土强度),提出了修正公式。强度和应变的实验值与使用改进的经验模型预测的值之间的比较证明是令人满意的。讨论了主要与应变值相关的相对较大的散度以及可用实验结果的可靠性。



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