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Fine-Tune Web User Access to Lotus Domino Web Pages

机译:微调Web用户对Lotus Domino网页的访问

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IBM Lotus Domino has evolved into an incredibly powerful, robust, and secure product. You'd be hard pressed to find another single product that has as many features and capabilities for developers and administrators. Creating a publicly accessible Domino Web site is a simple task; the Domino Designer client combined with the power of the Domino Web server let even a beginner quickly design, develop, and deploy such a site. This ease of use and forgiving nature of Domino can, however, permit poor development and security practices to flourish — and be exploited. Without a solid understanding of the "hows and whys" of the way the Domino Web server works, it becomes only a matter of time before your publicly accessible Web site falls victim to automated attacks.
机译:IBM Lotus Domino已经发展成为功能强大,强大且安全的产品。您很难找到另一种具有与开发人员和管理员一样多的特性和功能的产品。创建可公开访问的Domino网站是一项简单的任务。 Domino Designer客户端与Domino Web服务器的强大功能相结合,甚至使初学者都可以快速设计,开发和部署这样的站点。但是,多米诺骨牌的这种易用性和宽容性可以使不良的开发和安全实践得以蓬勃发展并被利用。如果没有对Domino Web服务器工作方式的“方式和原因”有深入的了解,那么公开访问的网站成为自动攻击的受害者只是时间问题。



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