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A proportional hazards regression model with change-points in the baseline function


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In this article, we consider a new regression model for counting processes under a proportional hazards assumption. This model is motivated by the need of understanding the evolution of the booking process of a railway company. The main novelty of the approach consists in assuming that the baseline hazard function is piecewise constant, with unknown times of jump (these times of jump are estimated from the data as model parameters). Hence, the parameters of the model can be separated into two different types: parameters that measure the influence of the covariates, and parameters from a multiple change-point model for the baseline. Cox’s semiparametric regression can be seen as a limit case of our model. We develop an iterative procedure to estimate the different parameters, and a test procedure that allows to perform change-point detection in the baseline. Our technique is supported by simulation studies and a real data analysis, which show that our model can be a reasonable alternative to Cox’s regression model, particularly in the presence of tied event times.
机译:在本文中,我们考虑了一种新的回归模型,用于在比例风险假设下对过程进行计数。该模型的动机是需要了解铁路公司预订流程的演变。该方法的主要新颖之处在于,假设基线危险函数为分段常数,且跳跃时间未知(这些跳跃时间是从作为模型参数的数据中估算的)。因此,模型的参数可以分为两种不同的类型:用于测量协变量影响的参数,以及来自基线的多个更改点模型的参数。 Cox的半参数回归可以看作是我们模型的极限情况。我们开发了一种迭代程序来估计不同的参数,并开发了一种测试程序,该程序可以在基线中执行更改点检测。仿真研究和真实数据分析为我们的技术提供了支持,这表明我们的模型可以作为Cox回归模型的合理替代方案,尤其是在事件时间紧迫的情况下。



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