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Caribbean Libraries In The Twenty-first Century: Changes, Challenges And Choices


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As both the foreword and the preface to this work emphasize there has been very little previous writing about librarianship in the Caribbean with Alma Jordan's The Development of Library Service in the West Indies through InterHbrary Cooperation (Metuchen, NJ, Scarecrow Press, 1970) a lonely and much cited exception. One can therefore only applaud the initiative and industry of the editors in producing the present volume. The organization of its content as described in the preface sounds like a major military campaign: collecting 36 proposals from 55 contributors, whittling these down to 25 papers from 41 authors and having these reviewed by a panel of four external reviewers: past and present University Librarians of the University of the West Indies (UWI), Stephney Ferguson and Margaret Rouse-Jones and well-known UK professional figures Derek Law and Maurice Line.
机译:正如该工作的序言和序言所强调的那样,以前关于阿尔伯特·约旦的加勒比海图书馆管理工作的著述很少,只有寂寞的寂寞:《通过图书馆间合作发展西印度群岛的图书馆服务》(Metuchen,NJ,稻草人出版社,1970年)。并引用了很多例外。因此,只能赞扬编辑人员的主动性和行业性来撰写当前的书。前言中所述内容的组织听起来像是一场大规模的军事运动:从55位撰稿人那里收集36份提案,将这些提案从41位作者中缩减为25篇,并由四位外部审阅者组成的小组进行审阅:过去和现在的大学图书馆员西印度群岛大学(UWI)的斯蒂芬妮·弗格森(Stephney Ferguson)和玛格丽特·劳斯-琼斯(Margaret Rouse-Jones)以及英国著名的专业人物德里克·劳(Derek Law)和莫里斯·莱恩(Maurice Line)。



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