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The Eye of the Beholder


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Ruth kiernan, librarian at the Carolla Public Library, scooped a handful of DVDs from the bin under a slot-and-chute affair in the circulation desk, checked the titles against the OPAC, and began replacing them in the three rows of shelves behind the desk. "Man, some of these look like real stinkers," she said to Ed Crowe, as he finished checking out a stack of mysteries. "To each their own," he said. The diminutive Kiernan stretched to reach the top of the three rows of DVDs. Above the discs hung a painting that had been in the library for as long as anyone could remember. Donated to the facility by a local artist of some importance, the artwork portrayed a seminude woman sitting in a chair before a mirror, brushing her luxurious hair, which streamed down her body, covering all but a portion of her right breast (seen in the glass's reflection), posterior, and Rubenesque thigh.The painting was called "The Eye of the Beholder" but, also for as long as anyone could remember, was referred to simply as "Edna."
机译:卡罗拉公共图书馆的馆员露丝·基尔南(Ruth kiernan)从流通台狭槽溜溜事件下的垃圾箱里拿出了DVD光盘,将标题与OPAC对照,并开始将它们放回书架后面的三排书架中台。她对埃德·克劳(Ed Crowe)说完一堆谜团,对他说:“伙计,其中一些看起来像是真正的臭鼬。”他说:“对每个人自己。”小巧的Kiernan延伸到三排DVD的顶部。光盘上方悬挂着一幅在图书馆藏过的画,只要有人记得。这幅艺术品是由一位当地艺术家捐赠给该设施的,描绘了一个半裸的女人坐在镜子前的椅子上,梳理着她豪华的头发,顺着她的身体流下来,覆盖了她的右乳房的几乎所有部分(见玻璃的反射),后部和鲁比涅斯克大腿。这幅画被称为“情人眼”,但只要有人记得,也被简称为“埃德娜”。



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