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Arts & Humanities


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Both the dust jacket and the cover of this book reproduce a lovely hand-colored etching of a bird perched on a branch, from the 1813 Birds of New South Wales. The "yellow ear honeysucker" serves as a fitting welcome in the first of three chronological volumes based on the works from a National Gallery of Australia exhibit: its artist, free settler John Lewin, produced the earliest-known intaglio prints. Many of the 377 images document the natural world, landscapes, and original inhabitants observed by early colonists from Great Britain. Others depict the townscapes and social life that developed as Australia became their "home" through the 19th century. Author, printmaking specialist, and curator Butler conveys a strong sense of patriotic pride while discussing 19th-century printmaking techniques as exemplified in the metal engravings, etchings, wood engravings, lithographs, and photogravures of individual artists and printers, some of whom emigrated not just from the British Isles, but also from places like Germany, Russia, France, and America.
机译:本书的防尘套和封皮均复制了一只可爱的手工着色的刻在树枝上的鸟的蚀刻图案,该图案来自1813年的新南威尔士州鸟类。 “黄色耳朵蜜糖”在澳大利亚国家美术馆展览的作品的三个按时间顺序编排的第一册中受到了适当的欢迎:其艺术家,自由定居者约翰·莱温(John Lewin)制作了最早的凹版印刷版画。这377张图像中有许多记录了大不列颠早期殖民者观察到的自然世界,风景和原始居民。其他人则描绘了随着19世纪澳大利亚成为其“家”而发展的城镇景观和社会生活。作者,版画专家和策展人Butler在讨论19世纪版画技术时,表达了强烈的爱国自豪感,例如在个别艺术家和印刷商的金属版画,蚀刻版画,木版画,版画和照相凹版印刷品中举例说明,其中有些人不仅移居国外来自不列颠群岛,也来自德国,俄罗斯,法国和美国。



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