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Juvenile sprouting ability of the endangered maple, Acer pycnanthum

机译:濒危枫树Acer pycnanthum的幼芽能力

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Japanese red maple, Acer pycnanthum, is an endangered species having a limited distribution of central Honshu, Japan. Sprouting is an important part of its natural history, and many remnant populations contain high number of multiple-stem clones. However, knowledge of sprout formation and growth is lacking, which has hampered understanding of the reestablishment process after major disturbance. My research objectives were to characterize the formation and growth of basal sprouts in the juvenile stage and determine the effects of light intensity and stump diameter on these characteristics. Twenty sprouting clones were investigated at a natural site in Nagano Prefecture during a four-year period after cutting. Japanese red maple exhibited abundant and vigorous sprouting from the root collar of cut trees. Many sprouts arose immediately after cutting. Average number of sprouts per stump was 12.2. Number of sprouts per stump was negatively correlated with relative light intensity. The two dominant sprouts (sprouts 1 and 2) of each clone were selected to analyze their growth. The average extension growth of sprout 1 (i.e., the tallest and most vigorous) was 173.3 cm at the end of first growing season. At the end of fourth growing season, average height and diameter at breast height (dbh) of sprout 1 were 377 and 2.1 cm, respectively. Relative light intensity and stump diameter significantly and positively affected D~2H (diameter at breast height squared x height) of sprout 1. Because the growth rate of sprouts is much faster than that of seedlings, regeneration by sprouting is more significant than seedling regeneration to maintain populations after disturbances.
机译:日本红枫槭(Acer pycnanthum)是一种濒临灭绝的物种,在日本本州中部的分布有限。发芽是其自然历史的重要组成部分,许多残留种群中含有大量的多茎克隆。但是,缺乏关于芽形成和生长的知识,这妨碍了对大干扰后的重建过程的理解。我的研究目标是表征幼年期基芽的形成和生长,并确定光照强度和树桩直径对这些特征的影响。切割后的四年内,在长野县的一个自然地点调查了二十个发芽克隆。日本红枫从砍伐后的树木的根部发芽,发芽旺盛。切开后立即出现许多新芽。每个树桩平均发芽数为12.2。每个树桩的芽数与相对光强度呈负相关。选择每个克隆的两个显性芽(芽1和2)以分析其生长。在第一个生长季节结束时,发芽1(即最高和最旺盛)的平均延伸生长为173.3厘米。在第四个生长季节结束时,新芽1的平均高度和胸高(dbh)的直径分别为377和2.1 cm。相对光强度和树桩直径显着影响芽1的D〜2H(胸高直径x高度的正值)。因为芽的生长速度快于幼苗,所以发芽再生比幼苗再生更重要。骚乱后维持人口。



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