首页> 外文期刊>Korean Journal of Defense Analysis >Confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) in the modern context: the European experience1 †

Confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) in the modern context: the European experience1 †

机译:现代背景下的建立信任和建立安全措施(CSBM):欧洲经验 1

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Every region has to elaborate its own confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) culture, while not abandoning the basic Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) accords in this field. CSBMs cannot be seen as an aim in themselves. They have to be incorporated in the broader, emerging security regime. If our security is threatened, both internally and externally (from territories far away from Europe), our counteraction must correspond to the new nature of these threats. Although played down, the concept of CSBMs is not a thing of the past and may be a useful instrument in addressing various kinds of security issues, including those on the Korean peninsula. There is an urgent need to start a serious discussion on the overall concept of arms control and CSBMs and its place in the security-building processes. The main forum for European CSBMs remains the OSCE, although arms control efforts are also being developed outside its remit. The promotion of endeavors in this field would be much enhanced by having the European Union and NATO engaged more deeply in it. The question of CSBM implementation in the contiguous areas of the states which share frontiers with non-European, non-OSCE states remains outstanding. The current circumstances on Europe's perimeter bear evidence that the OSCE community cannot defer the issue interminably. The OSCE Partners for Cooperation need to be further encouraged to follow and get involved in the CSBM/arms control processes.
机译:每个地区都必须阐述自己的建立信任和建立安全措施(CSBM)的文化,同时不要放弃在这一领域的基本欧洲安全与合作组织(OSCE)协定。 CSBM本身不能被视为目标。必须将它们纳入更广泛的新兴安全制度中。如果我们的安全受到内部和外部(远离欧洲的领土)的威胁,我们的对策必须与这些威胁的新性质相对应。 CSBMs的概念虽然被淡化了,但它已不再是过去的事情,它可能是解决包括朝鲜半岛在内的各种安全问题的有用工具。迫切需要开始认真讨论军备控制和CSBM的总体概念及其在安全建设进程中的地位。欧洲CSBMs的主要论坛仍然是欧安组织,尽管也在其职权范围之外开展了军备控制工作。通过使欧洲联盟和北约更深入地参与这一领域,将大大促进在这一领域的努力。在与非欧洲,非欧安组织国家共享边境的各州的毗邻地区实施CSBM的问题仍然悬而未决。欧洲周边地区的当前情况证明,欧安组织无法无限期推迟这一问题。需要进一步鼓励欧安组织合作伙伴遵循和参与CSBM /军备控制程序。



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