首页> 外文期刊>Kew Bulletin >An endangered new species of edible yam ( Dioscorea , Dioscoreaceae ) from Western Madagascar and its conservation

An endangered new species of edible yam ( Dioscorea , Dioscoreaceae ) from Western Madagascar and its conservation


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A new species of Dioscorea from Morondava prefecture in Western Madagascar is described. Dioscorea bako Wilkin differs from D. alatipes Burkill & H. Perr. by its usually shallowly and irregularly lobed leaf margins, broader leaf blade (grey-green below), longer petiole and the broadly cuneate area where the petiole is inserted onto the leaf blade in the basal sinus. It is pubescent, especially densely on young shoots and inflorescences. It is endemic to Morondava Préfecture and is endangered under IUCN Red List category criteria (IUCN 2001). The unusual morphological features of its inflorescences, some of which are shared with D. alatipes are discussed. Dioscorea bako is a favoured food source for people of the Menabe region and is reported by them to be increasingly hard to find. Immediate conservation measures are necessary to ensure that it remains extant and, in the medium to long term, research should be undertaken to guide its sustainable utilisation.
机译:描述了一种来自马达加斯加西部Morondava州的薯os新种。 Dioscorea bako Wilkin与D. alatipes Burkill和H. Perr不同。其叶缘通常浅而无规则的裂片状,叶片较宽(在下面呈灰绿色),叶柄较长,叶柄插入底窦的叶片的楔形区域较宽。它是短柔毛,特别是在幼枝和花序上密集。它是MorondavaPréfecture的地方病,在IUCN红色名录类别标准下受到威胁(IUCN 2001)。讨论了其花序的异常形态特征,其中一些与D. alatipes共有。 Dioscorea bako是Menabe地区人们最喜欢的食物来源,据报道他们越来越难找到。必须采取立即的保护措施以确保其生存,从中长期来看,应进行研究以指导其可持续利用。



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