首页> 外文期刊>JSAH: Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians >The Sultan Hasan Complex in Cairo 1357-1364: A Case Study in the Formation of Mamluk Style

The Sultan Hasan Complex in Cairo 1357-1364: A Case Study in the Formation of Mamluk Style


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When I began my academic career more than a quarter century ago, I had to explain the term "Mamluk" at the beginning of my talks in conferences; colleagues did not have to clarify terms like "baroque," "rococo," or even "Tudor," or "Georgian." But what was really frustrating was that I had also to cajole my audience into seeing Mamluk architecture for the sublime tradition it is. Things have not changed much since, even though Mamluk studies have acquired their own journal, Mamluk Studies Review, and books on Mamluk architecture are sometimes reviewed in journals such as our JSAH. Mamluk architecture is still largely unknown to the architectural community.
机译:25年前,当我开始学术生涯时,我不得不在会议开始时解释“ Mamluk”一词。同事不必澄清诸如“巴洛克式”,“洛可可式”甚至“ Tudor”或“ Georgian”之类的术语。但是,真正令人沮丧的是,我还不得不吸引我的听众去欣赏Mamluk建筑的崇高传统。从那以后,情况发生了很大变化,即使Mamluk研究获得了自己的杂志《 Mamluk研究评论》,有时也会在诸如JSAH之类的杂志中对有关Mamluk建筑的书籍进行评论。马穆鲁克(Mamluk)建筑在很大程度上尚不为建筑界所知。



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