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Comment on Johnson's creating dimensional stock-flow inconsistency in Binswanger's model


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Binswanger (2009) constructed a model of a pure credit money economy with production to demonstrate the existence of growth imperative in such economies. This model entails a misspecification because money may disappear from the economy at the alleged minimal steady state growth rate (Gilanyi 2015). Johnson (2015) attributes this inconsistency to the confusion between the stock of outstanding loans at the end of period and the flow of loans taken during the period; that he calls dimensional stock-flow inconsistency. On the grounds of this criticism he modifies some flows to eliminate the problem raised by Gilanyi. Binswanger (2015) omits this criticism because it is a simple misinterpretation of his model; rather he explains the inadequacy of Johnson's specification of flows. Doing so, he makes believe that there is still an unsettled debate on whether to treat loans as stocks or as flows in his model. This note demonstrates that both model specifications are dimensionally stock-flow consistent. Hence, Johnson's criticism is just a narrative behind the rationale of altering flows in the model; the controversy is not on dimensional stock-flow inconsistency but on the logically coherent specification of the magnitude of flows in the model.
机译:Binswanger(2009)建立了一种纯粹的信用货币经济模型,以展示这些经济体中的增长势在必行。该型号需要一个拼写错误,因为金钱可能会因涉嫌最小的稳态增长率而从经济中消失(Gilanyi 2015)。约翰逊(2015)在期间结束时归因于未偿还贷款的股票和期间贷款流动的不一致;他称之为尺寸股票流量不一致。根据这种批评的理由,他修改了一些流动以消除吉利尼提出的问题。 Binswanger(2015)省略了这种批评,因为它是对他模型的简单误解;相反,他解释了约翰逊流动规范的不足。这样做,他认为仍然有没有关于将贷款视为股票或模型中的流动的争议。本说明表明,两种型号规格都尺寸零售额均一致。因此,约翰逊的批评只是改变模型中的流动的理由背后的叙述;争议不是维度股票流量不一致,但在模型中流动幅度的逻辑上相干规范。



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