
Social Evolution Today


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While Gordon Childe’s synthetic descriptive works of Near Eastern and European prehistory have long been overtaken, his social evolutionism remains of interest. His concept of social evolution was not dogmatically unilinear. It involved branching differentiation and diffusion and an acknowledged role for what he called ‘the Darwinian formula of “variation, heredity, adaptation and selection”’ in the understanding of cultural change. Moreover, unlike many later archaeological neo-evolutionists, he regarded the social evolutionary schemes of comparative anthropology as broad guiding frameworks whose implications were to be tested by archaeology, rather than as providing a series of stages into which the archaeological material was to be slotted. Those approaches have mostly lost their credibility in archaeology in the last 20 years, leaving much of the discipline without a very clear agenda, despite the continuing importance of the issues that the evolutionists were trying to address. This paper argues that developments in evolutionary anthropology and institutional economics over the last 25 years provide a basis for an updated and theoretically powerful approach to characterising social evolution and explaining the patterns identified in terms of well-founded micro-scale processes which would not be out of keeping with Childe’s own perspective.
机译:尽管戈登·柴尔德(Gordon Childe)对近东和欧洲史前时期的综合描述性作品早已被人们所追捧,但他的社会进化论仍然令人感兴趣。他的社会进化观并不是教条式的单线性。它涉及分支的分化和扩散,以及他在理解文化变革中所称的“变异,遗传,适应和选择的达尔文式”的公认作用。此外,与许多后来的考古新进化论者不同,他将比较人类学的社会进化方案视为广泛的指导框架,其意义将由考古学检验,而不是提供将考古材料放入其中的一系列阶段。在过去的20年中,尽管进化论者一直在努力解决这些问题,但这些方法在考古学中的信誉大多丧失了,使大部分学科都没有一个非常明确的议程。本文认为,进化人类学和制度经济学在过去的25年中的发展为表征社会进化和解释根据可靠的微观过程确定的模式提供了更新且理论上有效的方法的基础。与Childe的观点保持一致。



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