首页> 外文期刊>The Journal for Weavers, Spinners & Dyers >Certificate of Achievement in Spinning: A Candidate's View

Certificate of Achievement in Spinning: A Candidate's View


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This article will not answer the big question of 'why work towards a Certificate of Achievement' because everyone will have their own reason from 'my husband enrolled me' to 'just thought it would be a good idea'! The Association encourages the CoA to preserve and improve craftsmanship and promote education in the craft; I did it because I had rediscovered spinning after 25 years' absence and wanted to have a focus to take my mind off a particularly stressful time at work.I had uncovered my spinning wheel when, after travelling the globe for four years, I was reunited with my possessions. Did the old wheel my Dad had made for me still work, and could I still spin on it? I had not spun for many years: starting a family and studying were two of many excuses I made to myself. I dusted off the electric wheel (powered by a Singer sewing machine engine) and through the groans of the purists, all I can say is that it was made with love, and it worked!



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