
What is Fingerweaving?


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Fingerweaving is a technique used to weave straps and sashes without the aid of a loom. It is a bit of a misnomer; rather than weaving, textile experts such as Noemi Speiser (1983) classify it as 'braiding'. As a term it was coined long ago and is firmly planted in several North American cultures. These include the French population in Quebec, several indigenous groups, and the Metis, who are the descendants of a mixing of French and indigenous peoples. The basic method of fingerweaving also appears around the world. An article published by the Braid Society in Strands (Owen 2006) traces oblique interlaced braids from the Baltics, through Eastern Europe and into Asia. The technique is also in evidence in pre-Columbian North America. According to the seventeenth-century journal of Fr. Jacques Marquette, who was exploring along the Mississippi: 'Everywhere we were presented with belts, garters, and other articles made of the hair of bears and cattle (bison) dyed red, yellow, and gray' (Jesuit Relations, June 17,1673). Chevron patterned sashes have been attributed to several North American Plains groups, if displays at the Chicago Field Museum are to be trusted.
机译:手指编织是一种无需借助织机即可编织皮带和窗扇的技术。这有点用词不当;不是编织,而是像Noemi Speiser(1983)这样的纺织专家将其归类为“编织”。术语早在很久以前就被创造出来,并牢固地植根于北美的几种文化中。这些人包括魁北克的法国人口,几个土著群体和梅蒂斯人,后者是法国人和土著人民的后裔。手指编织的基本方法也出现在世界各地。编织协会在Strands上发表的一篇文章(Owen 2006)追溯了从波罗的海穿过东欧到亚洲的斜交编织。该技术在哥伦布时代以前的北美也很明显。根据17世纪的神父杂志。沿着密西西比河探索的雅克·马奎特(Jacques Marquette):“我们到处都看到皮带,吊袜带和其他用红色,黄色和灰色染成的熊和牛(野牛)头发制成的物品”(耶稣会士协会,1673年6月17日, )。如果要信赖芝加哥野战博物馆的陈列,那么雪佛龙图案的腰带可以归功于北美平原的几个团体。




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