首页> 外文期刊>Journal of water supply >Performance indicators and customer management: ACEA benchmarking experiences in water services in Latin America

Performance indicators and customer management: ACEA benchmarking experiences in water services in Latin America


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The paper presents the results of a study conducted by ACEA, the Italian water and energy utility based in Rome, in collaboration with the ENGREF (Ecole Nationale du Genie Rural des Eaux et des Forets) on the use of performance indicators in the improvement of customer management in three Latin America water utilities, subsidiaries of ACEA (Acea Dominicana, Aguas de San Pedro and Aguazul Bogota). The paper illustrates how contractual and internal performance indicators are being employed to encourage self-improvement and better efficiency. The analysis suggests that the use of performance indicators by private operators is greatly driven by the regulator actions to measure their performance. Moreover, the effective use of contractual indicators is greatly dependant on the availability of initial data. The second part of the article presents a benchmark exercise carried out between the three companies. Performance indicators focusing on commercial departments activities were defined and measured. The comparison permits the identification of improvement margins and provides reference data.
机译:本文介绍了总部位于罗马的意大利水和能源公用事业公司ACEA与ENGREF(全国农牧民工和农牧民学校)合作进行的一项研究结果,该研究使用了绩效指标来改善客户ACEA的三个子公司(Acea Dominicana,Aguas de San Pedro和Aguazul Bogota)的管理层。本文说明了如何采用合同和内部绩效指标来鼓励自我完善和提高效率。分析表明,私营运营商对绩效指标的使用很大程度上受到监管机构衡量其绩效的行动的推动。此外,合同指标的有效使用在很大程度上取决于初始数据的可用性。本文的第二部分介绍了这三家公司之间进行的基准测试。定义并衡量了重点关注商业部门活动的绩效指标。比较可以确定改进余量,并提供参考数据。



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