首页> 外文期刊>Journal of water resource and protection >Deep Water Status in Southwestern Tunisia

Deep Water Status in Southwestern Tunisia


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Due to the water demand growth in southwestern Tunisia, particularly in Segui Gafsa-Tozeur area, the Tunisian Government launched a research program for new water resources in the lower Cretaceous layers within the Hauterivian and Barremian age. The present study highlights the major results of this project and defines the ability of the Barremian and Hauterivian series to be or not as good usable aquifers in this region. Seismic data show that the studied levels are located in deep trough with a very high depth. The water collected from the drilled wells in this region shows a very high salinity (80 g/l to 130 g/l) with a very low water level (-162 m/TN). These water levels are in hydrological isolation by faulting (faults trending NE-SW and NW-SE) with the Jerid area, where these layers are good water bearing. Thus, the studied series can't be considered as encouraging usable aquifers in the future. These results are crucial to make a decision and represent the guideline for research strategies in South-West Tunisia. Consequently, the government focuses on water search within the Turonian level which showed much more encouraging signs.
机译:由于突尼斯西南部,特别是在Segui Gafsa-Tozeur地区的用水需求增长,突尼斯政府启动了一项研究计划,以研究上特夫时代和巴雷米扬时代白垩纪下层的新水资源。本研究重点介绍了该项目的主要成果,并确定了巴雷米亚和上特里瓦尼系列在该地区是否成为良好的含水层的能力。地震资料表明,所研究的层位于深槽中,深度很高。从该区域的钻井中收集的水显示出非常高的盐度(80 g / l至130 g / l),而水位却非常低(-162 m / TN)。这些水位通过杰里德地区的断层(趋势为NE-SW和NW-SE的断层)而在水文上隔离开来,这些地区的水质很好。因此,研究的序列不能被认为是将来鼓励使用的含水层。这些结果对于做出决定至关重要,并代表了突尼斯西南部研究策略的指南。因此,政府将重点放在土伦地区的水搜索上,这显示出令人鼓舞的迹象。



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