首页> 外文期刊>Journal of water resource and protection >Analysis of River Tributaries' Streamflow Contribution Using WEAP Model: A Case of the Ngwerere and Kanakatampa Tributaries to the Chongwe River in Zambia

Analysis of River Tributaries' Streamflow Contribution Using WEAP Model: A Case of the Ngwerere and Kanakatampa Tributaries to the Chongwe River in Zambia

机译:利用武器模型分析河流河流流的流出贡献 - 以赞比亚崇旺河的Ngwerere和Kanakatampa支流案例

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Ngwerere and Kanakatampa Streams are the main tributaries of the Chongwe River. The Ngwerere stream originates from the city of Lusaka and meanders through Lusaka City and Chongwe Town for an approximate distance of 41 km before joining into the upper part of Chongwe River. The Kanakatampa Stream is a tributary of the Chongwe River. It meanders from the Kanakatampa Area for approximately 52 km before discharging into the middle of the upper part of the Chongwe River. The Chongwe River Catchment which is a sub-catchment of the Zambezi Basin drew the attention of researchers and policymakers when the Chongwe River started drying up in the dry seasons causing a water crisis particularly in the downstream regions of the middle catchment. Therefore, it is important from the water resources management perspective, to assess the contribution of tributaries into the flows of the Chongwe River. Ngwerere and Kanakatampa streams are socially, economically, and environmentally important streams for the city of Lusaka and surrounding area. This study, therefore, concentrated on evaluating the flow contribution of the two streams to the Chongwe River using the Water Evaluation And Planning (WEAP) tool. The streamflow data (1970-2010) recorded at the Chongwe Great East Road Bridge gauging station were used in the WEAP embedded Parameter ESTimation (PEST) auto-calibration tool to calibrate (1970-1999) and validate (2000-2010) the model. The monthly streamflow model calibration and validation results were assessed using the correlation coefficient (CC), Coefficient of determination (R~2), Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient of Efficiency (NSE), and Percent bias (PBIAS). The model performance results achieved were PBIAS of 1.24%, CC = 0.81, R~2 = 0.66 and NSE = 0.62 during the calibration period and a positive PBIAS of 2.94%, CC = 0.81, R~2 = 0.67 and NSE = 0.62 during the validation period. The median of the flows (Q_(50)) was obtained from the historical flow duration curves (FDCs) generated in averaged intervals of 10-year from 1970 to 2019. The results showed that on average, the Ngwerere and Kanakatampa Streams contribute 52.8% and 29.6% respectively, to the flow of the Chongwe River in the upper and middle Catchment. The results also showed that the contribution of the Ngwerere and Kanakatampa Streams to the Chongwe River discharge has been reducing historically at a rate of 0.65% per decade and 1.35% per decade respectively over a period of 50 years (1970-2019). Suggestions for sustainable management of the tributaries such as the Ngwerere and Kanakatampa Streams were provided in this study.
机译:Ngwerere和Kanakatampa溪流是崇威河的主要支流。 NGWerere溪流源于卢萨卡市和蜿蜒的卢萨卡市和崇威城,在加入崇威河上部之前的距离为41公里。 Kanakatampa溪流是崇威河的支流。它蜿蜒从Kanakatampa区域约52公里,然后才能进入崇威河上部的中部。当崇纱河开始在干燥的季节造成水危机时,崇旺河流域的崇威河集水区提高了研究人员和政策制定者的注意力,尤其是在中间集水区的下游地区造成水危机。因此,从水资源管理的角度来看,评估支流贡献到崇威河流流动的贡献。 Ngwerere和Kanakatampa溪流在卢萨卡和周边地区的社会,经济,和环保的溪流中。因此,这项研究集中了使用水评估和规划(WEAP)工具来评估两条流到崇威河流的流动贡献。记录在Chongwe East Road Bridge测型站的Streamflow数据(1970-2010)用于校准(1970-1999)并验证(2000-2010)模型的武器嵌入式参数估计(Pest)自动校准工具。使用相关系数(CC),测定系数(R〜2),NASH-Sutcriffe效率系数(NSE)和百分比(PBIA)来评估每月流流程模型校准和验证结果。在校准期间,所达到的模型性能结果为1.24%,CC = 0.81,R〜2 = 0.66和NSE = 0.62,阳性PBIA为2.94%,CC = 0.81,R〜2 = 0.67和NSE = 0.62验证期。流量的中位数(Q_(50))是从1970年至2019年的10年间隔为10年的平均间隔产生的历史持续时间曲线(FDC)。结果表明,平均而言,Ngwerere和Kanakatampa流有助于52.8%分别为29.6%,分别为上层和中间集水区的崇威流动。结果还表明,Ngwerere和Kanakatampa溪流对崇威河流出院的贡献已经以每十年的0.65%的速度减少,分别在50年(1970-2019)中分别为每年1.35%。本研究提供了对Ngwerere和Kanakatampa溪流等支流可持续管理的建议。



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