首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Development of tumuli in the medial portion of the 1983 aa flow-field, Mount Etna, Sicily

Development of tumuli in the medial portion of the 1983 aa flow-field, Mount Etna, Sicily


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A number of tumuli formed on the aa-dominated lava fan complex which developed in the medial zone of the 1983 flow-field of Mount Etna during the later stages of the eruption. This complex flow-field formed on shallow sloping ground below a scarp between 1900 and 1700 m asl. A major tube system fed a branching tube network in the fan complex. Numerous tumuli and break-outs of lava formed in the fan. Three main types of tumulus are identified: (1) Focal tumuli, which are formed from the break-up and uplift of 'old', thick lava crust and themselves become sustained sites for the distribution of lava both as flows and within distributary tubes. These focal tumuli are significant centres associated with major tubes. (2) Satellite tumuli, which are typically elongate, whale-back shaped features that branch out from focal tumuli. These satellite tumuli were initially lava flows erupted from a focal tumulus. The crust of the flow slowed or came to a halt and the rigid crust became uplifted and fractured, forming a dome-shaped ridge feature. These satellite tumuli continued to be fed from the focal tumulus and became sites of lava emission with numerous break-outs. (3) Distributary tumuli formed on the fan associated with short-lived break-outs from tubes and are relatively simple structures formed from limited effusion of toey lobes and pahoehoe lava. The major tumuli on the fan complex show distinct dilation fractures. The fracture surfaces provide good exposure of the crust and three distinct zones are recognised - an upper zone showing columnar jointing, a middle zone consisting of planar fracture surfaces and a basal zone with distinctive banded planar fracture surfaces showing evidence of both brittle and ductile formation. Using these data a model is proposed for tumulus growth. Field analysis of the fan complex shows how it was fed by a branching tube system, leading to flow thickening, formation of tumuli and numerous ephemeral boccas.
机译:在喷发后期,在aa为主的熔岩扇复合体上形成了许多瘤,该复合体在1983年埃特纳火山流场的中部区域发育。这种复杂的流场形成在1900至1700 m asl之间的陡坡以下的浅坡地上。一个大型管道系统为风机组合中的一个分支管道网络供气。风扇中形成无数的瘤和熔岩破裂。鉴定了三种主要的古墓类型:(1)局地古墓是由“旧的”厚熔岩地壳的破裂和隆起形成的,它们本身成为流动和在分流管内分布熔岩的持续场所。这些局灶性肿瘤是与大管相关的重要中心。 (2)卫星肿瘤,通常是细长的,鲸鱼回状的特征,从局灶性肿瘤分支出来。这些卫星古墓最初是从焦点古墓爆发的熔岩流。地壳变慢或停止,刚性地壳抬升并破裂,形成了圆顶状的脊状特征。这些卫星动词继续从局灶性动词喂食,并成为熔岩发射的地点,并有大量爆发。 (3)风扇上形成的分布瘤与管子的短时爆发有关,并且是相对较简单的结构,其结构是由有限的趾叶和pa草熔液形成的。扇形复合体上的主要肿瘤显示明显的扩张性骨折。断裂面提供了良好的地壳暴露,并且可以识别出三个不同的区域-上部区域显示出柱状节理,中间区域包括平坦的断裂表面,而基底区域具有明显的带状平坦断裂表面,显示出脆性和延性形成的迹象。使用这些数据,提出了一个针对肿瘤生长的模型。风机综合体的现场分析表明,它是如何通过分支管系统进料的,从而导致流量增厚,瘤形成和许多短暂的boccas。



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