首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >An Analysis Of The Morphological, Geological And Structural Features Of Teide Stratovolcano, Tenerife

An Analysis Of The Morphological, Geological And Structural Features Of Teide Stratovolcano, Tenerife


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A combined field, GIS and modelling study has given us new insights into the evolution and morphology of Teide stratovolcano in the central part of Tenerife. Central to our analysis was an investigation of the nature and development of a number of enigmatic morphological features, including two large 'bulges' at mid-elevation in the north-western and east-north-eastern flanks. This entailed a detailed analysis of high resolution digital elevation data, coupled with new photogeological, geological and geomorpholo-gical surveys which were examined using GIS. Our geological investigations reveal that widespread deposits on the steep northern flanks of the edifice were volcaniclastic deposits. These formed during the collapse of incandescent lava flow fronts and, possibly, domes and lobes. Careful examination of other deposits on the lower north-western flank has shown that they formed during magma-water interactions. Detailed analysis has revealed the presence of small coulee eruption vents, abrupt terminations to lava flows and vertical scarps. We were also able to confirm the presence of two nested graeben, along which there has been extensive hydrothermal alteration. Finite element modelling of the basement beneath Teide and structural stability suggest that the Teide edifice was emplaced on the headwall of the Icod island flank collapse. We conclude that the two bulges are flank vents, similar to Pico Viejo, although on a smaller scale. The presence of these flank vents suggests that conduit blockage has probably been more common than previously estimated on Teide. We suggest that future hazard mitigation measures should take into account the potential for large flank vents forming during future eruptions, the possibility of explosive activity from the central edifice, and pyroclastic density currents in front of advancing flows on the flanks of Teide.
机译:结合了地理信息系统和建模研究的领域,使我们对特内里费岛中部的泰德平流层火山的演化和形态有了新的认识。我们分析的核心是对许多神秘形态特征的性质和发展进行了调查,包括西北和东部-东北-东北侧面中高程处的两个大“凸起”。这需要对高分辨率数字高程数据进行详细分析,再加上使用GIS进行检查的新的光地质,地质和地貌学调查。我们的地质调查表明,在大厦北侧陡峭的侧面上广泛分布的沉积物是火山碎屑沉积物。这些是在白炽熔岩流前沿以及可能的穹顶和裂谷塌陷期间形成的。仔细检查西北下翼的其他沉积物,发现它们是在岩浆与水相互作用的过程中形成的。详细的分析显示,有小古利火山喷发孔,熔岩流突然终止和垂直陡崖的存在。我们还能够确认存在两个嵌套的graeben,沿着它们已经发生了广泛的热液蚀变。泰德(Teide)地下室的有限元建模和结构稳定性表明,泰德(Teide)大厦位于艾科德(Icod)岛侧面坍塌的顶墙上。我们得出的结论是,两个凸起是侧面通风孔,与Pico Viejo相似,尽管比例较小。这些侧面通风孔的存在表明,导管堵塞可能比泰德以前估计的更为普遍。我们建议,未来的缓解风险的措施应考虑到未来喷发期间可能形成较大的侧面通风孔,中央大厦发生爆炸活动的可能性以及泰德峰侧面上前向的火山碎屑密度流。



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