首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Gravity monitoring of Tatun Volcanic Group activities and inference for underground fluid circulations

Gravity monitoring of Tatun Volcanic Group activities and inference for underground fluid circulations


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The Tatun Volcano Group (TVG), located on the northern coast of Taiwan adjacent to the city of Taipei, experiences active hydrothermalism but has no historical record of volcanic eruption. Yet recent studies suggest that TVG is dormant-active rather than extinct. To monitor mass transfers and to gain further understanding of this volcanic area, gravity variations have been recorded continuously since 2012 using a superconducting gravimeter, and once every few months since 2005 using absolute gravimeters. We analyze the continuous gravity time series and propose a model that best explains the gravity variations due to local groundwater redistribution. By correcting these variations, we identify gravity changes as large as 35 Gal that occurred concomitantly to fluid pressure-induced earthquakes and changes in the gas composition at Dayoukeng, one of TVG's fumaroles, over 2005-2007. We examine several fluid movements that can match the gravity observations, yet too few additional constraints exist to favor any of them. In particular, no significant ground displacements are observed when these gravity variations occurred. On the other hand, the model of gravity changes due to local groundwater redistribution can be routinely computed and removed from the ongoing time gravity measurements in order to quickly identify any unusual mass transfer occurring beneath TVG. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:位于台湾北部海岸,邻近台北市的大屯火山群(TVG)经历了活跃的热液活动,但没有火山喷发的历史记录。然而,最近的研究表明,TVG处于休眠状态而不是灭绝状态。为了监视质量传递并进一步了解该火山区,自2012年以来使用超导重力仪连续记录重力变化,自2005年以来每隔几个月使用绝对重力仪记录一次重力变化。我们分析了连续的重力时间序列,并提出了一个模型,该模型可以最好地解释由于局部地下水再分配而引起的重力变化。通过纠正这些变化,我们可以确定在2005年至2007年期间,由于流体压力引起的地震以及大油坑(TVG的喷气孔之一)的重力变化而引起的重力变化高达35 Gal。我们研究了几种可以与重力观测相匹配的流体运动,但是却很少有其他约束适合于其中任何一个。特别是,当这些重力变化发生时,没有观察到明显的地面位移。另一方面,可以常规计算由于局部地下水再分配而引起的重力变化模型,并将其从正在进行的时间重力测量中删除,以便快速识别TVG下方发生的任何异常传质。 (C)2016 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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