首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research >Geochemistry of volcanic gas at the 2012-13 New Tolbachik eruption, Kamchatka

Geochemistry of volcanic gas at the 2012-13 New Tolbachik eruption, Kamchatka


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We report measurements of the chemical and isotopic composition of gas emitted from the lava flow at the 2012-13 New Tolbachik eruption. Gas and condensate samples were taken from two vents over a lava tube in May 2013. The 1030 degrees C gas sample was collected in evacuated Giggenbach bottle from a periodically pumping to-venting outlet above active lava flow similar to 300 m from Naboko cone. Concentrations of major components in the 1030 degrees C gas sample are (mol%): 95.5 H2O, 0.47 CO2, 2.01 SO2, 1.18 HCl, 0.34 HF that are within a range of gas compositions for subduction zone volcanoes. Isotopic analysis of He gives a corrected to atmosphere R/R-a ratio = 724 (He/Ne ratio = 1.41) that is close to MORB values. The 1030 degrees C condensate contained 9.7 ppm Cu, 2.5 ppm Zn, 1.5 ppm Tl, 20 ppb Re and 3 ppb Au, and can be considered as a representative sample for the metal composition of exsolved magmatic gases at the 2012-13 Tolbachik eruption. Isotopic data on the 1030 degrees C condensate (delta O-18 = 6.4%a, delta D = -32%) indicate a magmatic source. Another condensate sample taken at 690 degrees C was found to be drastically different from the magmatic 1030 degrees C condensate. We suggest that the disproportional enrichment in trace elements of this 690 degrees C condensate as compared to the 1030 degrees C condensate could result from evaporation at forced pumping during sampling and possible dissolution of earlier precipitated sublimates in the gas conduit. Unusual isotopic composition of the 690 degrees C condensate (delta O-18 = 18.9%., delta D = -68.5%) can be explained by the isotopic exchange between volcanic vapor and atmospheric O-2 (delta O-18 = 23.596.). (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:我们报告了2012-13年新托尔巴奇克火山喷发时从熔岩流排放的气体的化学和同位素组成的测量值。 2013年5月,从熔岩管上的两个排气孔中抽取了气体和冷凝物样品。从活跃的熔岩流上方约300 m的活动熔岩流上方的定期抽气口,将1030摄氏度的气体样品收集在抽空的Giggenbach瓶中。 1030摄氏度气体样品中主要成分的浓度为(mol%):95.5 H2O,0.47 CO2、2.01 SO2、1.18 HCl,0.34 HF,在俯冲带火山岩的气体成分范围内。对He的同位素分析得出的校正后的大气R / R-a比值为724(He / Ne比值为1.41),接近MORB值。 1030摄氏度的冷凝液包含9.7 ppm的铜,2.5 ppm的锌,1.5 ppm的Tl,20 ppb的Re和3 ppb的Au,可以被认为是2012-13年托尔巴奇克火山喷发时岩浆气体溶解金属成分的代表样品。 1030摄氏度冷凝水的同位素数据(δO-18 = 6.4%a,δD = -32%)表示岩浆源。发现在690摄氏度下采集的另一凝结水样本与岩浆1030摄氏度凝结水有很大差异。我们建议,与1030℃的冷凝物相比,该690℃的冷凝物中痕量元素的不成比例富集可能是由于在采样过程中在强制泵送下的蒸发以及气体导管中较早沉淀的升华物的溶解造成的。 690℃冷凝水的异常同位素组成(δO-18 = 18.9%。δD = -68.5%)可以通过火山蒸气与大气O-2之间的同位素交换来解释(δO-18 = 23.596。)。 。 (C)2016由Elsevier B.V.发布



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