首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures >Large contrast enhancement by sonication assisted cold development process for low dose and ultrahigh resolution patterning on ZEP520A positive tone resist

Large contrast enhancement by sonication assisted cold development process for low dose and ultrahigh resolution patterning on ZEP520A positive tone resist


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The authors demonstrate a robust, low dose, high contrast, and ultrahigh resolution patterning process based on sonication assisted development of ZEP520A positive tone resist in both room and cold temperature. The contrast as high as γ ∼ 25 and γ ∼ 9.14 can readily be achieved in 6 °C and room temperature development, respectively, in diluted n-amyl acetate solution. The high contrast is demonstrated on 90 nm thick ZEP resist at 20 kV acceleration voltage, from which 20 nm thick titanium lift-off of 60 nm pitch lines and 50 nm pitch dots can be successfully achieved.
机译:作者演示了基于声波辅助的ZEP520A正性抗蚀剂在室温和低温条件下开发的鲁棒,低剂量,高对比度和超高分辨率图案化工艺。在稀释的乙酸正戊酯溶液中,分别在6°C和室温显影下,可以轻松实现高达γ〜25和γ〜9.14的对比度。在20 kV加速电压下,在90 nm厚的ZEP抗蚀剂上显示出高对比度,由此可以成功实现60 nm间距线和50 nm间距点的20 nm厚钛剥离。



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