首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. B, Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures >Jochen Sterr; Klaus Schock; Stephan Kleindiek; Matthias G. Langer; Karsten Loeffler; Francois Grauvogel

Jochen Sterr; Klaus Schock; Stephan Kleindiek; Matthias G. Langer; Karsten Loeffler; Francois Grauvogel

机译:Jochen Sterr;克劳斯·肖克;斯蒂芬·克莱因迪克(Stephan Kleindiek) Matthias G. Langer;卡斯滕·洛夫勒(Karsten Loeffler)弗朗索瓦·格劳沃格尔

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Since the manipulation of biological objects is usually performed in a life-sustaining environment, electrical fields or thermal gradients through the liquid may cause perturbations. The authors present a microgripper fabricated in silicon by a combination of bulk and surface micromachining processes that exhibits several advantages compared to previous reports. In order to avoid any possible perturbation caused by electrical fields, their microgripper is mechanically actuated. The complete system including the microgripper, a piezoactuator, and a nanomanipulator is described in detail together with manipulation of micrometer sized glass spheres.




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