首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Urban Planning and Development >Forces Driving Changes in Urban Construction Land of Urban Agglomerations in China

Forces Driving Changes in Urban Construction Land of Urban Agglomerations in China


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This article presents the results of changes in urban construction land and driving forces of urban agglomerations in China. First, the urban construction land areas and the urban construction land areas per ten thousand persons were compared in the Jing-Jin-Ji urban agglomeration, the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration, and the Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration from 2000 to 2008. Second, a dynamic degree model was used to express changes in urban construction land areas at different periods and to present the spatial traits of the changes using geography information system software (9.0). Furthermore, cointegrated relationship analysis and the Granger causality test were adopted to analyze the correlation between urban construction land area and the influential factors. The conclusions are that (1)the periodicity of urban construction land area increase in the three urban agglomerations is obvious, and the rate of increase before 2005 was higher than after 2005 for all three urban agglomerations; (2)the difference in dynamic degree was significant among the different periods, and the dynamic degrees were the largest at the beginning of the total period. There was an obvious difference in the urban distribution of higher dynamic degree in each urban agglomeration; (3)all three urban agglomerations displayed highly significant correlations between the urban construction land area and the influential factors, and there were significant differences in the factor distribution and influential direction of Granger causality at the certain probability; and (4)the relationship of the Granger causality at a lag of 2 was more obvious than at a lag of 1.
机译:本文介绍了中国城市建设用地变化和城市群驱动力的变化结果。首先,比较了京津冀城市群,长三角城市群和珠江三角洲城市群2000年至2008年的城市建设用地面积和每万人的城市建设用地面积。其次,利用动态度模型表达了不同时期城市建设用地的变化,并利用地理信息系统软件(9.0)呈现了变化的空间特征。此外,采用协整关系分析和格兰杰因果关系检验,分析了城市建设用地面积与影响因素的相关性。结论是:(1)三个城市群的城市建设用地面积增加的周期是明显的,这三个城市群的2005年之前的增长速度均高于2005年之后; (2)不同时期动态度差异显着,在整个时期初期动态度最大。每个城市群的高动态度城市分布存在明显差异。 (3)这三个城市群都显示出城市建设用地面积与影响因素之间的高度相关性,格兰杰因果关系的因素分布和影响方向有一定的差异; (4)滞后2时的格兰杰因果关系比滞后1时更明显。



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