首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Transportation Engineering >Impact of Freeway Service Patrols on Incident Clearance Duration: Case Study of Florida's Road Rangers

Impact of Freeway Service Patrols on Incident Clearance Duration: Case Study of Florida's Road Rangers


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Florida's Road Rangers monitor the freeways for incidents to minimize incident clearance duration. The objective of this study was to evaluate the extent to which Road Rangers reduce incident clearance duration. Because incident clearance duration distributions are often right-skewed, the study applied quantile regression to relate incident clearance duration to influencing factors. Data skewed to the right are usually a result of lower bounds in a data set being extremely low relative to the rest of the data. Data from 28,000 incidents that occurred on freeways in Jacksonville, Florida, for the years 2014-2017 were analyzed. Of the factors analyzed, crash events, incident severity, shoulder blockage, weekends, nighttime, number of responding agencies, and towing were found to significantly increase incident clearance durations. Road Rangers were found to reduce incident clearance duration by 25.3%. In other words, shorter incident clearance durations were observed when Road Rangers responded to incidents compared to other agencies. The results of this study can, in general, provide researchers and practitioners with an effective way of evaluating the mobility benefits of the Road Ranger program.
机译:佛罗里达州的道路游骑兵监控事故的高速公路,以最大限度地减少事件清除持续时间。本研究的目的是评估道路纵游仪减少事件清除持续时间的程度。由于事件清除持续时间分布通常是右偏移的,所以研究应用了分位数回归,以将事件清除持续时间与影响因素相关。右向右侧的数据通常是数据集中的下限的结果,相对于其他数据的其余部分非常低。分析了佛罗里达州杰克逊维尔的高速公路发生的28,000个事件的数据,截至2014 - 2017年的几年。分析的因素,坠机事件,事件严重程度,肩部阻塞,周末,夜间,响应机构数量以及牵引的次数显着增加了事件清除持续时间。发现道路游骑兵员将事件清除持续时间减少25.3%。换句话说,当与其他机构相比,当道路游骑士对事件响应事故时,观察到较短的事件清除持续时间。一般而言,本研究的结果可以为研究人员和从业者提供评估道路游侠计划的流动效益的有效途径。



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