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Speedbird: the Complete History of BOAC


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Robin Higham's latest book, published posthumously, is a history of the British Overseas Airways Corporation and is an invaluable addition to the historiography of British civil aviation. It acts as an effective follow up to his 1960 book Britain's Imperial Air Routes, 1918-39. Speedbird was actually written in the 1970s and completed in 1978. However, it was sequestered by British Airways (BA) until 2003 and took an additional ten years to be published. Originally, the manuscript was delayed at the request of BA while they worked with the government to finance Concorde in the late 1970s and then privatise in the early 1980s. Despite the resolution of both issues by 1985, BA refused to grant Higham the rights until 2003. One of the conditions for the manuscript's release was it needed to be vetted by BA. This vetting does manifest itself in the book, as it is not particularly critical of the organisation. Nonetheless, Higham has done an admirable job with unprecedented access to BOAC records. He has woven them into a lengthy, insightful and enjoyable narrative, one that can be recommended to anyone with an interest in aviation history or post-war British history.
机译:罗宾·海厄姆(Robin Higham)的最新著作死后出版,是英国海外航空公司的历史,是英国民航史学的宝贵补充。这是他1960年出版的《英国帝国航空,1918-39年》的有效后续措施。 Speedbird实际上是在1970年代编写的,并于1978年完成。但是,直到2003年,它才被英国航空公司(BA)封存,并花了10年才出版。最初,手稿是在英国广播公司的要求下推迟的,当时他们与政府合作在1970年代后期资助协和飞机,然后在1980年代初私有化。尽管在1985年解决了这两个问题,但BA一直拒绝授予Higham权利,直到2003年。稿件被释放的条件之一是必须由BA对其进行审查。这种审查确实体现在书中,因为它对组织的批评并不特别。尽管如此,Higham取得了令人钦佩的成就,对BOAC记录的访问空前。他将它们编成冗长,有见地和令人愉快的叙述,可以推荐给对航空历史或战后英国历史感兴趣的任何人。



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